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"French Health Issues" Website Launch

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We have today launched a website dealing in all things related to the new health and residency legislation in France.




On it, we offer as much difinitive information as we have been able to find, on the new legislation, how it might affect you, and what you can do to lobby against it.


We hope to expand the website over the coming weeks, to encompass all the aspects of the legislation and its effects, plus what we can do to contest it.  For this we need your help, feedback and input.


Please take the time to have a good look around the site, and contact us with your suggestions as to what we can do to make it better.  Also, please feel free to contact us if we can help you in any way with your own lobbying efforts.



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Just had a good look round the website, and it appears very well put together and certainly fit for purpose.  I tried all the main links and most of the sub-links, and all worked correctly.  Highlights for me were the FAQs, particularly "common misconceptions", the comprehensive links and the site layout, clear and concise.

I could find only one item that didn't sound right:-

Q.  Will I need top-up insurance in addition to comprehensive insurance?

A.  No.  Comprehensive insurance policies are independent of top-up insurance.

Might it not be better to explain you would only need top-up if you are affiliated to the CPAM, and Comprehensive insurance if you are not?  Or am I overcomplicating it for the majority of people?

Keep up the good work, we are all on this forum right behind you.



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Excellent website.  I have sent the link to friends who are soon to find themselves in the medical care "no-man's land" and also to those friends who are planning to move here in the future.

Thank you to all of those responsible for putting the site together at such short notice and we look forward to updates and news. 


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

We have today launched a website dealing in all things related to the new health and residency legislation in France.




On it, we offer as much difinitive information as we have been able to find, on the new legislation, how it might affect you, and what you can do to lobby against it.


We hope to expand the website over the coming weeks, to encompass all the aspects of the legislation and its effects, plus what we can do to contest it.  For this we need your help, feedback and input.


Please take the time to have a good look around the site, and contact us with your suggestions as to what we can do to make it better.  Also, please feel free to contact us if we can help you in any way with your own lobbying efforts.




Well done guys, looks great!

I've sent the link to everyone in my address book.

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Absolutely FIRSTCLASS!  I congratulate all involved Coops seems to be all over this forum and another I dip into - a human dynamo!

Just one teeny point.  The site says that I as a 'been here over 5 years inactif under retirement age (male)' have until March 2008 to find an alternative.  Yes, that is the info 'out there' but has anyone actually been told that; I haven't - yet.  I have had no letter yet that shows any change from previous years, except that CPAM annual demand for documents that was more comprehensive than before and on Saturday the 'we haven't had your letter and documents letter' that many have had.  However, that does not diminish the 'expectation' that the changes are afoot, unless intervention from HMG or change of heart from the Fr Govt prevails.  Sorry, I'm waffling, my pont is nothing is definite yet, we await the letters in Nov/Dec I think,  and perhaps the caveat that 'if these proposed changes are promulgated, ....etc


I guess French News and Connexion and any other English newspaper and other Forums eg FrenchEntree.com have all been pressed into publishing your site as well as national newspapers in UK , the Embassy and DWP etc

Good luck everyone and fantastic effort


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Coming in a bit late, but still wanting to add my congratulations to Cooperlola, and also to the shy retiring types hiding behind her. Fantastic work. I, too, will send that link to the people for whom it is relevant.

Well done, I am in awe of so much skill and talent and determination.[blink]

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Can you help us ?


Are you


·                     A British National resident in France ?

·                     Have you officially lived in France in excess of 5 years ?

·                     Are you classed as an 'inactif '?

·                     Have you received a letter stating that you and / or your family will no longer be entitled to health care via the CMU after March 2008 ?



If ALL of the above applies to you, could you please scan the letter (omitting any personal information) and email it us as an attachment ?



Once we know the exact reasons why your cover has been withdrawn, we can offer some guidance as to your next steps.




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We were at CPAM  Charente today re the letter about not having received our application for CMU

The person explained that it was an error and verified that our dossier had in fact been received.

He also informed us that our cover would run out on 31st March next year and showed us a circular from securite sociale to CPAM dated 4th October which basically reiterated the info on the Secu web site re inactives.

We questioned the ""5 year rule""

He knew nothing about it and phoned CPAM head office in Angouleme who said that several Britaniques had already mentioned this but that they had nothing about it and repeated that ALL inactives presently subscribed to CMU had until 31st March 2008.

He also showed us what appeared to be a standard letter prepared by the Secu which CPAM will be sending out shortly reiterating this info.

I only got a quick glance at this so cannot say what it actually say.

i informed him about the British Embassy announcement and he phoned someone else.They said that discussions were continueing but reiterated that 31st March was the cut off date for everyone

I will email when this is received. 


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Thanks to all for their feedback and encouragement.

BaF, I think there is a site somewhere which has all government circulars on it.  I'll do some investigating and see if I can see the wording which the CPAMs are getting.

Thanks, we'd be very grateful to see your letter when it comes.


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