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Diabetic clinics


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My parents are both over 65 and are moving to Normandy with my Sister, I will follow later, My Father has diabetes and is worried about if the French have diabetic clinics like they do over here in UK, He is also worried about getting his insulin
and other medincine he has to take for his Angina, Some are expensive but gets them free here, Will he have to pay upfront
then claim back ? or is there a special system for Diabetic's
and other long term illness.

Any web sites on this subject ?


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I am not diabetic but I would be surprised if there were not diabetic clinics. Here in Morbihan there are about 4 Diabetes specialists. Ask your generaliste (GP).

As regards payment for drugs. Once your parents are on the State system after presenting their E121 at the local CPAM office they will get documentation to enable them to be reimbursed for drugs. The generaliste will submit a form for 100% reimbursement in the case of a chronic condition. It is then possible to register at a pharmacie so that the charge for drugs is reimbursed directly by the CPAM without your father having to pay anything. It may take a month or two to get the system up and running.

Hope this helps.
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