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Complete France Forum

Health Entitlement for existing conditions.

susan c

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I am currently living in the UK and am on a waiting list for an operation for varicose veins. I'm looking to move permanently to France at the end of March. Given the current state of the National Health Service, I'm unlikely to get my operation before I go. Does anyone know how the French health system will deal with my situation? A friend suggested to me, why not return to England to have the operation done when the appointment comes through. My reply was, if my faith in the National Health Service was that strong, I wouldn't be moving to France in the first place!!

Any advice welcomed.

Susan C
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>I am currently living in the
>UK and am on a
>waiting list for an operation
>for varicose veins. I'm
>looking to move permanently to
>France at the end of
>March. Given the current
>state of the National Health
>Service, I'm unlikely to get
>my operation before I go.
> Does anyone know how
>the French health system will
>deal with my situation

Can't see why there should be any problem, once you have got yourself registered with the social security people here. You will be subject to the usual requirements to pay a certain percentage of any treatment, or have health insurance cover to pay this for you. There are a lot of earlier threads on this sort of subject - have a trawl through the archives using the search mechanism.
Good luck
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