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at risk of raising a delicate subject, does anyone know what happens about the contraceptive pill in France? In the Uk the doctor provides a prescription every 6 months or so, subject to a health check. the prescription is free.

In France, does one get this from the doctor, the chemist or do you just walk in and buy it off the shelf?

grateful for any light you can shed
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Contraceptive and HRT pills seem to be among the few that do not have a direct equivalent in France - they are very sniffy about the fact that the UK is still using conjugated oestrogens which are no longer used here. Although most other drugs can be bought directly from the chemists just by showing them the packet of what you take and a copy of your UK prescription (paying, of course, the full cost) contraceptives will probably require a visit to the doctor (currently 25 euros)and a prescription.

However, for HRT I have found my French doctor much better at prescribing for my exact needs by blood tests, etc, rather than giving me a standard off-the-shelf pill.

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