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In France, do expectant over-35s automatically get tested for Down's Syndrome? And if it tested positive, would a termination be possible? (I've read about women from Catholic countries going to the UK for abortions, I don't know how strongly Catholic France is in these matters.)


p.s. please don't let this degenerate into a pro-life versus pro-choice bagarre, it's only a question, ok!

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The age for automatic testing is 37. At the moment, if you are under that age, you can still ask for a "triple test" which is a blood sample crossed with information you supply on family medical history. A risk factor is then given. If it is high, they would expect you to have an amnio. If it is low, you wait until the birth to see if everything is OK. I do not know if this exists in the UK. Although my 3rd baby should be born just before my 37th birthday, I have chosen not to have the risk factor blood test.

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