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Dodgy tenant


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Wow, leave it a day or two and there certainly is loads to read! 

I will start with Clair's suggestion that I am actually enjoying the experience.  - Oh, so that is what the sleepless nights are for is it?  I must remind myself what fun this is from time to time.

Quillan - hmm, is that not breaching the code of conduct, suggesting that I might do illegal things?  You ought to watch it you know, those moderators will be after you.

Bugbear - one sided farce?  Why is that?  Because someone has dared to air an opinion against someone of a different nationality?  This has nothing whatsoever to do with nationality.  It is just against awful people, of whom there sadly appear to be plenty about, don't there?

Teamed Up - thanks.

Turnip - so true!  Oddly, it appears only to be me who is not allowed to speculate.

Llyncelyn - thanks as well for appreciating that this is not a personal vendetta at all.  I (and my OH) just want the money that is legally owed to us.

Russethouse - in what way is GIVING him the money a favour to us?  We might as well have put an ad in the paper saying 'house for free -stay as long as you like but pay nothing'.  He LEGALLY owes money, so why should be be excused?  Who is going to excuse me my bills?  No-one, I suspect.  So why should I excuse him.

Sunday Driver - if it costs little, I will continue.  You are forgetting something here.  It is OUR money that he has pocketed, and NOT his own.  He has even got allocation de Loyer from the CAF and I am sure they will not want to be giving him that to contribute to his drinking habit!  We could have overlooked his smelliness and drinking habit (as long as it did not effect us) if he had JUST paid!  If he had JUST paid a bit, we could have been satisfied to wait, assuming (oh no, speculating again!) that he was intending to pay the rest when he could afford it.  It is the fact that his nasty habits have impinged on us that we are cross about -seeing him imbibing our rent money and then peeing it down our fosse septique was a bit of a choker, I have to say. 

Mpprh - sounds nasty.  I think I might PM you for advice.  Happily for us, we have lots of lovely photos of our gites BEFORE he turned up, although thankfully, the worst thing so far appears to be the smell.

Frederick - I am sure that is what they were hoping for.

Georgina - thankyou too.  I do certainly need moral backing and advice.  If you were able to read my other postings, you would see that I have tried to do everything legally.  Much good that has done me.  The best thing so far that I did was to tell him we knew he had no license and that the gendarmes had told us that if they caught him again it was clink for him.  That put the fear of God in him, I think, and is probably why we have now not seen him (other than when he picked his clobber up on thursday) for nearly three weeks.  He knows we'll shop him if we see him driving, and THAT is perfectly legal.  And what is more, I think that is WHY the gendarmes told us about it.  I am sure they were not supposed to reveal it! 

There, that has got all those answers off my chest.

Finally, to PANCAKE - I totally agree with your initial posting.  Free Speech is being squashed.  I am sure it would have been possible to delete anything offending and reinstate the original thread.  Shame they have not.  I see we are now up to nearly a thousand again, and whatever anyone says, I think the number of views a thread gets reflects the interest in it.  How can it not?

Thankyou everyone,



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[quote user="Fil"]

Bugbear - one sided farce?  Why is that?  Because someone has dared to air an opinion against someone of a different nationality?  This has nothing whatsoever to do with nationality.  It is just against awful people, of whom there sadly appear to be plenty about, don't there?


One-sided, as in only one side of the story being heard, or read.

Who mentioned nationality, not I ?

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OK Bugbear,

I was referring to the fact that you said it was a farce, rather than it being one sided, you know.

But please tell me why you think it is one sided?  Other than the obvious fact that the malefactor has not contributed, and is unlikely to.  This is not meant to be a discussion WITH him, this is meant to be a discussion ABOUT him and his behaviour.  He has proved himself on numerous occasions as someone whose main form of communication is through aggression.  As you would see, if you could read back over the old thread.  But alas, you can't, as it has been stifled.

I merely raised the nationality question, as it has been suggested before that this is a race issue.  Which it is NOT, and I wanted to reaffirm this fact. Which I did.

Would you like his telephone number, so you can ask for his side of the story?  I have it, you know. 


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Someone on this long thread suggested that as this is a business arrangement which has gone wrong and you should treat it as such. This does all seem very emotionally charged, and there have been a number of unpleasant and illegal suggestions which you have apparently welcomed.

Everything has two sides.

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[quote user="Fil"]

OK Bugbear,

I was referring to the fact that you said it was a farce, rather than it being one sided, you know.

But please tell me why you think it is one sided?  Other than the obvious fact that the malefactor has not contributed, and is unlikely to.  This is not meant to be a discussion WITH him, this is meant to be a discussion ABOUT him and his behaviour.  He has proved himself on numerous occasions as someone whose main form of communication is through aggression.  As you would see, if you could read back over the old thread.  But alas, you can't, as it has been stifled.

I merely raised the nationality question, as it has been suggested before that this is a race issue.  Which it is NOT, and I wanted to reaffirm this fact. Which I did.

Would you like his telephone number, so you can ask for his side of the story?  I have it, you know. 



No, I'm not actually that interested.  I merely responded to your reply that specifically related to me and on the basis that you seem unable to grasp a pretty basic statement there is really no point in discussing this with you any further.

I'm gone.

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Fil, of course you have every right to pursue him through the courts to try to recoup your losses, you are out of pocket, and you naturally want what he owes you.

Although this might seem like the logical thing to do, ask yourself how you would feel if the case went against you, or if you won and the court ordered that he pay you, but you only ever received two or three payments, and then they fizzled out?  He may not be in a position to pay anything at all, and then it would never be "over" for you.  You feel angry now, but once he has moved the rest of his stuff out you might be able to to move on and try to forget the trouble that he has caused you.  Financially you might be better off pursuing the case, but you would still be dwelling on it, discussing it, maybe even dreaming about it.  Do you really want that?

It looks as if you have finally managed to get rid of him, why not celebrate that and turn the page, rather than start something that may have you grinding your teeth for months to come?


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Finally, to PANCAKE - I totally agree with your initial posting.  Free Speech is being squashed.  I am sure it would have been possible to delete anything offending and reinstate the original thread.  Shame they have not.  I see we are now up to nearly a thousand again, and whatever anyone says, I think the number of views a thread gets reflects the interest in it.  How can it not?

To answer your last question, some of us have to look to make sure that all posts remain within the code of conduct !

Please note : Comments or questions regarding the general administration of the forum should be made by "private message" or using the "Report" link to the moderators or direct to Forum Admin. Such comments or questions should not be posted in the open forum.

I feel it only fair to tell you that the mod team have never received so many notes of approval for their actions as they did when we deleted the last thread on this matter.

As for your reply to me - as has been said before you have lost potential income in a business transaction, if you want to see it as 'giving' this person something, fair enough - but why 'give' him anymore?  Why not invest the emotional energy you are spending on this matter on something more worthwhile - your family for example, or planning for the summer lets? Why let him take any more ? Is he really worth it?


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I'll try one more time.  [8-)]

Take note of the words of caution already given to you by Mpprh and your own husssier.

You go through the trouble and expense of proceeding with a court case.  The Judge turns out be anti Brit/wealthy landlord. 

The defendant states that you constantly hassled him to make things uncomfortable for him to remain in the house.  You turned up every time and videotaped him going about his private business.  You discussed his private renting arrangements with members of his family without his expressed permission, thereby bringing him into disrepute with them.  You maliciously reported him to the gendarmerie for alleged drink driving.  You arranged to have the electricity supply reduced mid-winter to make life so untenable for him to the extent that he had to move out.  And so on....

The judge either dismisses your case or awards you one euro a month.

So, all the advice you received from your supportive friends on this forum may, in the end, have been counterproductive in respect of obtaining legal judgment for the arrears.

Let it go....


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"Frankly Georgina you are way of beam. I have been very close to a worse situation than this and Fil is getting the benefit of my personal experience. In your view, what do you think the outcome will be of Fil pursuing this guy - and the cost, not just financially but in emotional energy ?" Russethouse

Sorry, this is not about you is it? I missed the bit where you were giving her help, maybe you have pulled it, but telling her all the complaints you have received?. Poor woman just needs someone to listen to her situation and help. She is already stressed out, she may do nothing in the end, but she needs support, most of which is not coming her way and  I see a lot of criticism here.  You know, the best therapy is writing it down and then maybe throwing it away.  This is a form of that. I don't think I have told her to go for the throat - just not make it easy for people like this.


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[:)][quote user="Georgina"]

"Frankly Georgina you are way of beam. I have been very close to a worse situation than this and Fil is getting the benefit of my personal experience. In your view, what do you think the outcome will be of Fil pursuing this guy - and the cost, not just financially but in emotional energy ?" Russethouse

Sorry, this is not about you is it? I missed the bit where you were giving[:-))] her help, maybe you have pulled it, but telling her all the complaints you have received?. Poor woman just needs someone to listen to her situation and help. She is already stressed out, she may do nothing in the end, but she needs support, most of which is not coming her way and  I see a lot of criticism here.  You know, the best therapy is writing it down and then maybe throwing it away.  This is a form of that. I don't think I have told her to go for the throat - just not make it easy for people like this.



Telling someone what you think that they may want to hear is not the always the best thing, nor being a friend.

 Its fine to site 1000 views but it is unrealistic to think that every view represents a view favorable to you.

Would I really be doing Fil a favour to pretend otherwise ? Would you think it helpful if I knew different, but kept quiet ?

Oh and BTW this forum is NOT for wrtiting it down and throwing it away -unless you have already read the code of conduct[:)]

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[quote user="Pancake"]Its amazing the way that free speech gets trampled on on this web site even when it was ment not to be,and said to be, not racist.I would still like to know the outcome of that thread and how it is progresssing.....Lets keep it going......[/quote]

Forum Admin has decided at present not to put the original thread back because of the various posts that break the forums Code of Conduct. The reasons for this are NOT debatable in open forum neither is criticism of Forum Admin and/or the moderator’s decision which is again listed in the Code of Conduct to which you ALL agreed when you joined the forum. All those that reported their objection to the thread and those that objected to the thread being pulled (which were by far in the minority) have been passed on to Forum Admin.


I fully understand my fellow Moderators reluctance to lock this thread because they do not want to accused personally of stifling free speech. I really do not have such qualms, it breaks the rules, it’s that simple. This thread will now be locked on the initial basis of the following breaches of the Code of Conduct.:

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