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hows this for service!


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I visited my doctor just over a fortnight ago to discuss a lump that was given the all clear,no problem whatsoever in the U.K two years ago.
It has grown and a week later I had a mammogram and echocardiagram .
That was Friday p.m ,I was told that the lump must be removed as they didn't like the look of it.
Back to the doctor the next day,Saturday who fears it may be malignant.
She said she would ring me today(Monday) with an appointment to see the surgeon and anaesthetist ,she has and my appointment is this Thursday evening at the local hospital although I had several choices of clinics etc.
I will be told when my operation will be when I see him and that will be a matter of days after.
I arrived here in April with my Husband and am on his E106,we took out a mutuelle and understand that for all this prompt treatment we will have nothing to pay.
Although I am still in shock at the latest findings I can't help thinking that I am very fortunate to have been this side of the Channel with its prompt and efficient health service.
An update to follow if you are interested.
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Yes, but my mother in law, not a young woman by any means had equally good service in the UK two years ago....she didn't have a lump either, but they rapidly found the problem, which was malignant and within two weeks she had her breast removed...her choice at her age.
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Best wishes and hope it goes OK. I know what you mean about service. My wife has diabetes and the French medical service is superb eg. 9-30 Monday see Doctor and he says she needs a blood test. he phones and she has appointment at local hospital for 10-30 she arrives at hospital gets given a cup of coffee and sees heamatologist. 9am Tuesday morning phone call from Doctor everything within parameters. In the UK this took 3+weeks with interminable waiting at the hospital. As she succinctly put it in England you get better treatment at the vets than any health service provider.
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Naturally and to a man we all very much hope that everything is ok. It will be.............

How about this.

A friend of ours had pains in the chest went to see the specialist on a Tuesday, heart problems. Following Thursday, triple heart by-pass, now recovering at one of the French 'health farms'

Wonderful service
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  • 2 weeks later...
I do hope everything goes well for you in the future.

A friend of mine is having regular blood tests, the nurse comes to her house to do them. No queuing at hospital, taking meat counter numbers until you are called electronically. She is also having chemotherapy but a blood test is taken in the am and sent electronically to doc, who then says if she is fit enough to come to the hospital. Transport is included for her by taxi.

I rest my case.
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