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health service


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i will be shortly taking upmresidence in France. I would appreciate any info on joining their health system. i assume that before getting the Carte sejour one uses the E111. Afetr that how does onedecide how much "topping up the health dervice needs via insurance. any info gratefully recd. Wilko
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  • 2 months later...
I am preparing a paper on the subject of "Healthcare for the Expatriate in France", which will be issued (hopefully!) during the first quarter of 2003.

Included will be a survey of "mutuelles/polices complimentaires", which are an integral part of healthcare funding in France. Should readers wish their provider to be included in this survey, please send a brochure to the following address:

Peter Owen
630 Place de L'Eouviere

I cannot promise to mention every contribution.

Peter Owen
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