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applying for health cover in france


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i am a insulin dependant diabetic living in france aprox, 7-8 mths of the year do i need to apply for my carte de sejour to get cover in france. i don,t qualify for the e106 &its impossible to get health cover from england for more than 3mths without paying a fortune . i bring everything i need from england & do not have any complications BUT , i am aware i do need to get proper cover in france . i have been to my local office for a form for a carte vitale but with limited french to communicate i was given a scrap of paper with e111 & e106 on it back to square one . i did read in the living france mag, that any person living in france for more than 3 mths at a time is entitled to health care desperate for the right advice
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Hello Biddy,

I have read the first two replies and at the risk of complicating things further the first thing you have to decide is what your country of residence is going to be and your reasons for that choice. If you are spending 7 - 8 months per year in France but are not spending more than 3 months at a time then, sure, an E111 will be valid. But in your mail you state that you are seeking "proper cover" in France. The problem with E111 is that when used it is unlikely to cover 100% of the costs and depending on the specific treatment received you could still pay up to 20% of the bill. If however you do become a permanent resident of France and affilaited to CPAM then your diabetes should be covered 100% since insulin dependancy is one of the laid down "affections" that qualify for 100% cover. And of course although your diabetes is of primary concern you may well need treatment unrelated to this condition eg; accident, emergency dental. For your trips to UK (and other EU?EEA states + Switzerland) CPAM will issue you with a French E111 should you need treatment there.

From the pure heathcare point of view then you should seriously consider taking out formal French residence and by the way, CDS or not, if you spend more than 182 days a year in France you are regarded as resident for tax purposes!

Peter Owen

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