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thank you all for your instant response.. the information that i have received so far has been a a great help.. much appreciated.the loss or misinterpretation our doctor records was my main reason for keeping my UK contacts,
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Do you know something, those doctors records annoy me beyond belief. I was delighted to hear that there are pilot projects in the UK where people are going to start keeping their own.

You keep your own in France. But that doesn't mean that you take everything from year 'dot' to your doctor's everytime you go and see them. If you are on specific medication or have allergies or illness you obviously need to transmit that information to your doctor. The rest, well we seem to manage pretty well without these records being kept as in the UK. The hospitals manage without them too.

There obviously must be accidents due to lack of information being passed on, we certainly don't hear about these incidents. And they say that the system is pretty good here.

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