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Hi all

I realise that after my E106 is out I graduate to the French system and pay 8% of earnings over a certain amount. So far so good. The French system covers up to 30% of the cost of treatment. Is it mandatory to obtain insurance cover for the remainder or can I just take a chance and hope I dont get a costly serious illness and pay the balance myself ??


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Wrong way round I think, they pay up to 70% but there are cases I believe where they pay it all. Typically a good topup includung dentist and glasses costs around 960 per year for two people. Really it's up tp you if you buy one. I stopped my BUPA because I had had it for about 8 years and never claimed and was paying about 80 per month. Four months later I had 3 heart attacks and had to have surgery which meant a 13 week wait on the NHS and was not allowed home till it was fixed, thats life I suppose.
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