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Sympathetic GP sought urgently in depts 47/82


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Please, please can anyone recommend a good GP in any of the following: Agen 47 Beauville 47 Puymirol 47, Valence d'Agen 82, or Bourg de Visa 82 (or anywhere reasonably close to any of these places)?

Whilst I don't doubt the academic ability of my current GP, his 'bedside manner' leaves a lot to be desired. He is cold and unsympathetic to the point of rudeness, indeed he has been known to laugh cynically at my 'alleged' symptoms. I am now at the stage where I dread having to see him, which, because of a chronic condition, I have to do regularly.

I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) two years ago and am now on lifetime medication. My condition is clinically stable (according to blood tests) but I have a number of residual physical and emotional symptoms which my current GP regards as trivial.( I do not!) Given that this condition affects mostly women, that I am fast approaching menopause (too fast!) and that I have an escalating weight problem with the accompanying emotional distress, I really need to find a more approachable GP soon.

Apologies for sounding a bit desperate..but in my silly unassertive way I've put up with this situation for too long. I live a pretty isolated existence with no friends closer than an hour away, so I have no-one else to ask.

Any recommendations for kind, caring GPs (Male or Female) will be so gratefully received. Thanks for your time.
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>Whilst I don't doubt the academic ability of my current GP, his 'bedside manner' leaves a lot to be desired. He is cold and unsympathetic to the point of rudeness, indeed he has been known to laugh cynically at my 'alleged' symptoms. I am now at the stage where I dread having to see him, which, because of a chronic condition, I have to do regularly.<

It surprises me that a French doctor behaves like this, considering that he will get paid per visit.
If he alienates his patients he should in time end up with quite a meagre living.
Exercise the power of choice that you have in France and vote with your feet.
Seek local recommendations from neighbours.
I am not overly impressed with the UK GP system and had hoped that things would be different in France. At least you have choice and should be able to remedy matters more easily.

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