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Carte vitale running out


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The first year of our Carte Vitale runs out at the end of February, we know we are eligible for cover for another year after that from our E106 documentation.

Does anyone know if we need to go back to CPAM for new cards, or do they send them automatically for the next year?

We have searched for information on this, but couldn't find anything relevant. Any help or info would be gratefully received.

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Don't count on automatic renewals here in France, you are responsible for yourselves I'm afraid. I wasn't aware these ran out, we've had them since they were introduced and when I asked our office about the validity, was assured they are for the duration,but then we work here and pay into the full system. I suggest you have a word with your local CPAM office and get it clarified in writing just in case you need hospital treatment and it does expire as you may be left with a large bill to pay and no help financially.
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  • 2 weeks later...
We have moved to France permanently and my husband has just started a computer services company through the chamber of commerce. We have started to pay our contributions but no-one has mentioned healthcare as yet. We need to arrange a Carte Vitale for the family. Who do we need to see about this?
Many thanks.
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We have had a Carte Vitale for almost a year now, issued as of right as my husband is over 65. Ours do not seem to have an expiry date. Is that because we are retired? Perhaps the expiry only applies to people who are still contributing.

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