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Long stay holiday health cover


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There are a couiple of things your Mum shoulf bear in mind. At her age she will find it difficult to find affordable cover if her trip is over 31 days so bear this in mind. A trip will be defined as day depart UK to day return Uk inclusive. She should also obtain E111 because any insurance that she does take out may not apply any excess per claim if E111 has been used to fund a proportion of any treatment. I know the Post Office (where she can obtain E111) also issues a travel insurance for elderly folk so she may be able sort her healthcare out in one place.


Peter Owen
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My mother in law is 78 and I have taken out insurance for her for a year at a time. She tends to come out three or four times a year. I did it through Barclays bank website and paid 150 for multitrip insurance with a maximum of 45 days each time. All medical conditions are covered if the medication has not been changed in the last six months. Good luck.

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