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HRT alternative


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Having been very happy on HRT for many many years I came off it slowly and was horrified at the hot flushes that then followed. (I came off on doctors advice due to family history etc)

I was debating going to the doctor for a new prescription when I mentioned to a herbalist friend the problem. She said try phyto-estrogens.

I found Phyto Soya in the pharmacie and have taken it for over a month. At the normal dose it does not have much effect - about 20% reduction but if I double the dose (which you can as it is only soya extract) it reduces them by about 80%.

This is fantastic for me as the problems were far worse at night and I only get woken up by the wonky knee now and not the 'night sweats' which I found unbearable and miserable.

I did quite a bit of Internet research and there 'seems' to be no problem with using soya in this way and countries that live on the stuff such as Japan do not even have a word for menopause - but this is a personal comment and I suggest anyone who wishes to use a something like this does their own research.


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  • 2 weeks later...
This subject interests me very much as I am unable to use HRT as it gave me a stroke. Doctors in England are loath to give me HRT so I need something to help with the fot flushes. I have been using something called Flash Fighters bought from Holland and Barratt which have worked excellently. I spoke to my pharmacist in France about something to help the hot flushes and he immediately said soya. I realised later that the Flash fighters are 80% soya! So I think that anything soya based is the answer for me as no way am I going back on HRT. Thank you for all the views expressed on this subject they are all very helpful.

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