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Carte Vitale - Dependant Spouse


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Have been happily living here in France since Jan. 04 and did the necessary to apply for the Carte Vitale. Couldn't get an E106 for myself as hadn't paid the stamp coninuous in the Uk for past 2 years. Took my husbands E106 and necessary documents down to the Social Security office and got registered as a dependant spouse through my husbands E106. However, when the carte vitale came there was only one and it was in my husband's name. Neighbours (also British ex pats) told me I could not get health cover on that card and would have to get one in my own name. Trotted down to the Security Office again and received a lecture on coming to live in France and not speaking the language (at least that is the point that was coming across). Came away non the wiser. Has anyone else had a similar experience and if so can they tell me if they needed a card in their own name or could the dependant spouse use the same card even though their name was not on it? I really want to get this sorted before the need for medical cover is needed.
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