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Carte Vitale again


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My partner and I have lived here together for a few years now. He is retired now and has a Carte Vitale. Previously we had private medical cover. I know I should be able to get cover against his Carte/Social Security number as his concubine (silly name out of the ark) but have been putting it off - silly really because I may been important medical care - who knows. I was issued with a form from the UK when we arrived giving me medical cover equivalent to the UK cover but it expired after two years but I was covered by private health insurance then. Has anyone actually done this and can tell me how easy it is and what evidence I need to provide that we are living together etc. etc.
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Out of the ark? Partner...... my english solicitor told me that it was homosexual couples who first coined this particular word and I always think it sounds like a firm of solicitors.

And back to your problem, well I don't see why you should as a concubine get cover on his carte vitale.

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