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Is anyone aware of this?


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...Or is the Carte Vitale our 'European Insurance Card'?

Info was on Yahoo news


European insurance card introduced in some EU member states

BRUSSELS (AFP) - A European Health Insurance Card, aimed at allowing Europeans to receive healthcare in EU member states in the event of a sudden health problem, was introduced in several countries, the European Commission announced.

The card, which should make medical care more easily accessible for card holders and simplify reimbursement procedures, is due to be adopted by all EU member states by the end of next year.

Currently, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia Germany, Greece, Ireland, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden have adopted the card though in some of these countries it will be phased in gradually.

"With the health card, it will no longer be required to complete all the forms each time a person travels abroad, and bureaucratic procedures will be greatly reduced and simplified," the European Commission said in a statement.

"So for example, if a British visitor on holiday in France breaks his leg, he can, on production of the health card, receive treatment," it added.

The commission warned that the card was intended for "necessary care, such as breaking a leg, a tooth falling out, catching a virus, or on-going care for a serious medical condition such as diabetes" and could not be used to receive specific treatement in another member state.

It said that anyone insured or covered by a social security system of a member state was entitled to the card, which in the long term would include an electronic chip containing information aimed at avoiding fraud and abuse.
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A user of our Normany forum posted about it yesterday (she also posts here, so apologies for pre-empting you). She picked it up from a health web site.

"From this week, EU citizens will be able to apply for the European Health Insurance Card. A replacement for the E111 form, which entitles temporary visitors to other EU states, free emergency care and medical treatment on the same terms as nationals of the country they are visiting. The card will eventually replace all other health forms, such as those needed by students and job seekers. Officials hope the smartcard will cut bureaucracy and make it easier for Europeans to get medical care in other member states. Some countries are introducing the card immediately, however the UK, will phase it in. All countries are expected to have introduced the card by the end of 2005. UK citizens can in the meantime continue to use the E111 forms."

So it looks like the card is, for the moment at least, a new version of the E111.

Will (50)
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Like any EU measure there is bound to be a transitional period and although 1 June was the official start date cards and traditional paper forms will coexist for some time. The original intention, and indeed ultimate aim, is for the card to take the place of various E Forms (E111, E128 etc) which give cover for temporary stays in other EU states. However it has been agreed that initially it will only replace E111.

But as I say we are in for a long transition period. Even countries like France which already have the "carte vitale" there is likely to be a delay. For example, the French health minister announced that from 2006 "cartes vitales" will include a photograph to reduce the incidence of fraud.

For those in the French system there is no requirement to obtain E111 in order to be entitled to emergency treatment on a temporary visit to the UK. Clearly taking your "carte vita;e" to UK is advisable as it includes your social security number.

The aim is for all EU countries to have the card in place by December 2005 but the UK has an exemption and such a card, in lieu of the paper form, is unlikely to be introduced before 2006.


Peter Owen

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