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Incapacity Benefit


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Could someone please tell me what this is. I've realised that I haven't got a clue.

I had thought that it was given to people of working age who were unfit to work.....but then, it comes to mind that handicapped people work, so I'm confused again. And the questions that are asked make it sound like some sort of pension and I had been convinced that it wasn't that either.

So what is it please?
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Hello Teamed Up.
Three years ago I had what would once have been called a nervous breakdown, due to severe bullying at work. I was in a dreadful
state, very anxious, and depressed, and I had totally lost all my self esteem. I had to retire from work, and a medical panel from Benefits Agency thought I was unfit for anywork, so they paid me 79 a week. This is reviewed each year and so far the panel do not feel I am able to cope with a work situation.
This can be carried over to France, but will be reviewed here in September. I get my national insurance stamp paid. Alsi although I am only 55 I get a E121 which means I don't have to pay into the system whilst on ICB. I have been quite poorly with depression since christmas It is a horrid thing to have. For those who don't have it, it is difficult to explain. I hope this helps.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Just a little update on our fight with the English beaurocrats.
Our Incapacity Benefits are now being paid to Credit Agricole, hurrah! Still waiting for the E121 to arrive from Medical Benefits. Apparantly when I was told by IC in Newcastle that EVERYTHING would be waiting when we arrived in May that only applies to the Incapacity Benefit.
Medical Benefits who sort out the paperwork for CPAM use, a courier! They take the paperwork away. sort it and then it goes into the general post! So, anything from them will take at least 3 weeks I was told.
It has been a nightmare. I have spent so much time on the phone trying to get things done. Then to cap it all Incapacity Benefits sent us more forms to fill in, we need your bank details in France, they were on the original form and we need copies of your birth certificates. We had to photocopy them, take them to the Mairie and get the commune stamp put on them and the Mayor signed them for good measure. None of this was asked for in England. We ahve to send everything by recorded delivery from France. You need Fiche de Depot D'Un Envoi International and Avis de Reception/Avis de Paiement. Because apparantly people have not been receiving money or letters so it is better to send recorded delivery.
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