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E106 part 2


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I have just had a conversation with a chap who informed me that before he left the UK last Novemember, he had informed Newcastle that he was leaving the UK to live in France and could he have an E106.

Answer; No, he was told that anyone leaving the UK permanently to live in France were no longer going to receive such a form.

Now he is an intelligent person and was never out of work, so what is going on I ask? I couldn't believe it so..........

They a very hard working family and he has previously gone out to work for a French firm to get health cover but that job is now finished (he gained 6 months of health cover on time worked) and he is getting on with the works needed on his future project.

I would love Peter Owens to answer this one and give him good news.

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LAST EDITED ON 01-Jul-04 AT 05:49 PM (BST)

I don't think you can necessarily rely on what Newcastle tells you. I've had plenty of conflicting, and wrong, advice, myself. I too was told a few years back that I couldn't have an E106 - in my case the reason was because I was intending to carry on doing the same work I was doing in England, but doing it in France - E106 being for those not working but under retirement age, or for those seeking work (clearly not entirely correct). I got other E forms (covering migrant workers) that in effect were the same as E106 so it wasn't any big deal - those forms gave cover until we knew were were here permanently and hence had to register in France.

I'd advise your chap to speak again to Newcastle and hope he gets somebody else.

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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You are being unfair in asking me comment or advise on the strength of second and third hand information.

Will the Conqueror has a good point in that some of the indivduals in the DWP are not as bright as we would hope and your friend may have been unlucky.

But I suspect what may have happened here is that your friend has made the error of trying to be helpful and has volunteered too much information to officials. This is a dangerous habit on either side of the Channel in that it can lead to thinking or, even worse, original thought. Chaos is the inevitable result.

So for example if your friend even mentioned to the DWP that he may work or would be seeking work on moving in France that would be enough to set in motion dangerous thoughts. You have admitted that he has actually worked for a French firm so even though the job has finished he may still have residual
rights to healthcare, He would have made health contributions to a sickness organisation (probably not CPAM though) so he should contact that organisation to see how long his rights will be maintained.


Peter Owen
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