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First of many Healthy experiences


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Thought I`d let you all know about our recent planned trip to montpellier Hospital with our daughter,she has a multi disiplined syndrome which is now non life threatening. We had in the UK to attend various hospitals for different treatment,Orthopaedics,Cardio,Vascular and renal.
we visited a Paeditrician here as we needed to ensure she was doing OK, and was refered to the above hospital 6 weeks later, In 2 days she was seen by all the relevant doctors ,had all her follow up xrays/scans/tests,saw probably 3 specialists and have just received a phone call for a follow up in november.We are so impressed by the efficiency of it all,and our daughter was even treated to a clown show by the play workers!
PS all this in French,feel quite pleased with ourselves especially as we havn`t been billed yet! any donations can be sent via forum admin})
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Well, what can I say. Montpellier hospitals have always spelt disaster for us.

No clown shows, just brutal rectal Valium that made her cry. Once, we waited for 3 hours in a soulless waiting-room, no toys or anything, to see a bad-tempered consultant who just judged her weight by looking at her, said "increase her dose of medication" and sent us packing. The EEG was rough and uncaring, the woman didn't talk to her or even make eye contact, it was all just doing-a-job. We didn't know what had hit us - I promise you, she'd only ever been treated with respect and kindness in Southampton General!

I must have been very wicked in a previous life, eh? But I'm glad you had good treatment.
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  • 2 months later...
Just an update on the above post. We have just received a 5 page document from the hospital detailing all the examinations our daughter had under their care. It is very informative and gives an overview of each of her medical probs, we have 2 follow up appointments an are asked to phone one specialist to make another for regular monitoring.
We are so impressed as when we visited her specialists in the UK it was like drawing teeth to get any detailed info and certainly no follow up letter to let us know test results.
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