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medication that I am currently using


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My husband & I are planning to move to France next year. I think that I kind of understand the health cover bit, however, I have MS and currently am prescribed a drug on the NHS. How do I arrange for this to continue when I am in France?

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We moved permenantly to France in May, after having the house for 2 years.

When we were moving I saw my GP in England and arranged to bring a supply of my medication with me. I had a stroke 3 years ago so am on long term medication. I also arranged with the GP to have my medical notes prepared to bring over. This cost 10.

Before we left England we notified the Incapacity Benefit people that we were moving and gave a date when we would be effectively in France from. They arrange to have the Incapacity benefit paid over here. (There are threads about this if it effects you.) Then Medical Benefits arrange for the paperwork for you to take to the local CPAM, if you are in doubt where it is ask at the local pharmacy. These papers will get you your carte vitale necessary for getting into the health system and getting back monies paid out for medication and doctors fees. I pay my doctor 20 euros a visit. As my papers from England show 'invilidity' I am able to get 100% back on my medication as well as the 20 euros.

When I saw a doctor here I took along my medication and notes. Although she doesn't speak English she was able with asking questions too to work out what medication I am on. Most medication I have found is the same. I am on Plavix for blood thining, as I cannot take asprin, and it is exactly the same. If not they will find an alternative.

The doctors are very good, well mine is anyway. I had to ask about my blue badge as well and she rang the Maison Familiale and said I was coming to get the dosier to fill in and would they help me. They did. Then I had to go back and she had to fill in the rest. It took 45 minutes and she didn't charge me! This I sent off. I had to do it now as it takes 6 months to get it and mine runs out in January! One lady I read about has had to jump through hoops to get one and is still waiting after 18 months! She has a degenerative disease and will never recover, is in a wheelchair provided by CPAM but still cannot get a blue card in case she gets better! So be warned if you need one.

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