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Lyme Disease in Finistre


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To anyone living in 29, or visiting, please be aware that there are tics which carry Lyme disease there. I know, because 3 weeks after returning from holiday, here I am infected with it! You get it from an infected tic which has to stay on you for at least 24 hours - not difficult, since they are only the size of a pinhead. You pick up the tick when walking in long grass or heather with bare legs or feet. I won't do that again! The disease is easily treatable if caught early (in my case, after a night in hospital and large doses of antibiotics for a month). If not, it can cause some horrendous problems even years later - facial paralysis, meningitis, heart problems, liver problems, untreatable and crippling arthritis. Plenty of info about it on the web - search Google. It isn't common - about 6000 cases a year in France - so it can be very hard to diagnose.
Stay well!
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