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Carte Vitale


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I received my Carte Vitale at the end of August after asking for one in my name several months ago. Until now, I have been on my husband's. I must say it will be more convenient for me to have one in my own name. They also sent a new attestation.

I now have to pop husband's card in a green borne and update it, although it seems to be working for him without me doing anything about it at the moment.

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Again another example of how different depts work in France. I have had my own since day one,along with husband. The children both received their own ones just after their 16th birthdays and when I started my little job,I applied again and got a second one with a different number on. They must have a surplus around here to hand out.  I asked the nurse about this business of them all being changed to european recognition and  having photos on them and she said nothing is happening yet and it then it will take a very long time to do.
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[quote]I received my Carte Vitale at the end of August after asking for one in my name several months ago. Until now, I have been on my husband's. I must say it will be more convenient for me to have one in ...[/quote]

I got mine first with both our names on and then Pat goes hers a few weeks later. I notice she is still on mine but I am not on hers.
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