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elderly mother coming to live in France


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I would appreciate any advice on what I need to sort out for my elderly mother to come to live in France. She currently has regular nursing visits from the community nurses to dress leg ulcers and has carers who help support her at home coming in three times a day as well as daily visits from family. She is on regular medication and is in receipt of attendance allowance at present. 

I can investigate the supervision of her medical condition out here as I am a nurse and will not need carer support as I am at home but would be grateful to know about what paperwork I need to get from Newcastle and what sort of time scale  I am looking at. I have seen a few postings which have said that it will be impossible to get Mutuelle top up (she is in her 90's) but am unsure if there is anything else I can do to cushion the financial implications for her. I also assume that she will no longer get attendance allowance.

Any help will be much appreciated.




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Hello Marie-Claire,

If your mother is in receipt of a UK state pension then she should apply for E121 from Newcastle. With that and proof of residence in France she will be able to affiliate to the French health system without cost. Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance and Invalid Care Allowance do not normally continue to be paid on a move to France. However with DLA if she started to be in receipt of it before June 1992 then the payment could well continue. So you do need to check this with the Benefits office in respect of all 3 of these allowances.

You can obtain a "mutuelle" for someone of her age but the choice of provider is obviously limited. Also the plans offered will again be limited compared to say someone 30 years younger. But it is possible.

However it may well be that your mother will obtain 100% cover for her condition by CPAM but that cannot be established until she has been examined in France. Once you have an idea of the cover offered by the state you can look to see if a "mutuelle" will be cost effective as premiums will be in the order of 1000 - 1400 Euros per year.


Peter Owen


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