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Changes to the French health service.


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Individuals will have to register with a single gp and all specialist appointments will be made through that gp - that's the only one that's stuck in my mind; there has been a lot of coverage in the national press but I'm afraid remember the rest hasn't made much impression...

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[quote]Individuals will have to register with a single gp and all specialist appointments will be made through that gp - that's the only one that's stuck in my mind; there has been a lot of coverage in the n...[/quote]

Are you absolutely certain that it says you must access a specialist through the G.P?
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The State is going to push more and more of the cost burden for healthcare in France on the mutuelles. I have also been advised of more price hikes in January for mutuelles. They are also imposing 180 waiting periods for new subscribers. This is because some folk are hopping in and out of mutuelle contracts. IE: Knowing you need an expensive operation. Contract a mutuelle for a month then land them with a bill for thousands of euro. After the op. contract is cancelled. It is changing what used to be a balance of - some years you win, some years the assurance wins. In short we suffer once again because of a minority. Mutuelle costs will only keep rising. It's just more 'taxation' called something else.
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I believe I heard that doctors here will be charging less but we will be paying in other ways. They want to get towards the UK system of shorter visits and cramming more patients in,thus charging less and the mutuelles making up the difference. Our mutuelle is always increasing and on speaking to other people here,they say the same with theirs. Waiting lists in some areas are already getting a bit longer than they were and the getting an operation tomorrow scenario looks like it will take a bit longer from now on. Whatever we believe may be happening, you cannot open a paper,listen to the radio or TV here without the state of the health system and the financial problems hitting you between the eyes.
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I think I heard that opthamologists, gynocologists and dentists would be exempt from the list of specialists that would have to be consulted with a reference from a GP.  But apart from the photo on the carte vitale thing, I thought this was all just a project rather than something that was definitely going to happen.  Does anybody have some definite info?


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