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After E106


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Our E106's expire at the start of January 2005. We are below state retirement age and not working.

I went to CPAM with a letter I had obtained from Newcastle confirming that the E106's could not be extended, asking to be covered as a resident of France (as I understand it, paying 8% of income above a certain level). The woman I spoke to said that I need to telephone and make an appointment to see a specific person 'pour une CMU de base'.

I thought that CMU was some sort of Income Support (which we wouldn't want to claim). Can anyone advise me what I should ask for, and also what documents we'll require (I've got last years tax return, which I presume they'll need to see to confirm income).

Any advice most gratefully received.


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Woman is quite right CMU is Couverture Maladie Universalle nothing to do with income support

For the application they will need your income for 2003 January to December.

In the Charente they accepted a piece of paper typed up with my monthly income in euros which I signed as being a true record of my income as at that point I had not filed a tax return so didnt have a Revenu fiscal de reference which is how they normally would assess your payments however every department is different

Take everything you can think of to your appointment birth certificates,marraige cert if appropriate proof of address(EDF bill)carte de sejour if you have one P60 if you have one.

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I would be really interested to hear how this works out for you and what you have to do.

My husband and I are in exactly the same boat as our E106's run out at the end of January 2005 and we are currently waiting for our letters from Newcastle to say this is the case.

Keep us posted, and good luck.



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