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A French equivilent of E111?


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I am sure that a question, and answer, has been posted before but I didn't need it then and can't find it now!

Is there an equivilent of the English E111 in France? We are completely within the Fdrench system as definitive residents in France and are going back to England for christmas. Do we need a French E111, if there is such a thing?

All help gratefuly received.


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Firstly E does not stand for english It is a European form.

All E forms are universal in the European Union so yes an E111 is the same form in France as in the United Kingdom however generally the French authorities do not issue one if you are travelling to the UK as emergency treatment under the NHS in the UK is free so the French feel that they do not need to bother issueing an E111.

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The french health service are now issueing cards that take around three weeks to come. Each person needs one.

The rules are changing now and frankly I would not go back to the UK without a card. Even though we never needed them in the past.

The dept of Health website is not clear I'm afraid, therefore I personally prefer to ere on the side of caution.

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I would definitely apply for an E111. Many "departements" are now issuing it in card format "Carte Europeene d'Assurance Maladie". Apply for it at least 2 weeks before your departure. In anticipation of it being refused, because it is not required in the UK, simply say what I did ie; I was planning a trip to Italy. All members of the family will require an individual card and it will be valid for 1 year.


Peter Owen


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Because I go to other European countries I would like to get one of the E111 cards. However, thanks to my profession liberale status, my organisme conventionée is not my local CPAM, but something else (in my case, Mutuelle de l'Est). Do you know if the E111 would be issued by them, or by the CPAM for my département?

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I reported some weeks ago that we now have our new E111 card. Same size as the C.V but a pretty bland lavenderish colour with a warning not to think of it is a C.V.

Yes Will, our daughter had to get hers from her Student health cover, so I guess the route (not the student route perhaps !!) would be for you to apply from your Mutuelle.

We followed Peters advice and told them we were going to Spain very soon and around 2 weeks or so later our cards arrived. They were preceeded by the old E111 forms though !!



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[quote]Peter, Because I go to other European countries I would like to get one of the E111 cards. However, thanks to my profession liberale status, my organisme conventionée is not my local CPAM, but so...[/quote]

Because I go to other European countries I would like to get one of the E111 cards. However, thanks to my profession liberale status, my organisme conventionée is not my local CPAM, but something else (in my case, Mutuelle de l'Est). Do you know if the E111 would be issued by them, or by the CPAM for my département?

I'm in a similar situation. As an Artisan I recently enquired about the new card via telephone at my CPAM but was redirected to my organisme conventionée Previade Mutouest who gave me all the info, although she said I was the first application she had and the card was not required in the UK. It seems from our conversation that even in other European countries it is likely you will have to pay the charges anyway, (even with the new card) and then get reimbursed in France on your return, unless it is emergency treatment.

The CPAM are only for salaried people so I am fairly certain you need to contact your individual organisme.



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[quote]Peter, Because I go to other European countries I would like to get one of the E111 cards. However, thanks to my profession liberale status, my organisme conventionée is not my local CPAM, but so...[/quote]

Hello Will,

The Mutuelle de l"Est would be the contact.

I think it is worth mentioning here for other readers that although the term "mutuelle" is most often used in the context of complementary health insurance this is not always the case as your circumstances indicate. The Mutuelle de L'Est is a sickness organisation to which "professionels liberales" must pay their obligatory contributions in similar fashion as those affiliating under residence criteria pay theirs to CPAM.


Peter Owen

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