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waiting for your e106

Mark & Frances

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I have applied from newcastle for the e106 form, although lve sent it off , l was told that it will take 2 months for this to come through, by which time l will be living in france. I wonder what you can do for health cover if you need it before it comes through, and how can you get a residency permit if your still waiting for your e106 form to come through????????

thank you for your help.......Fran.

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I am assuming you are UK citizens. Get yourselves an E111 form each, from a UK post office. The E111 covers you for emergency treatment and although it is for visitors rather than permanent residents it will suffice until the proper paperwork comes through. It won't necessarily cover things like repeat prescriptions, so ask your UK doctor for sufficient of these if applicable - you should be able to get up to three months worth to tide you over. The E111 form is being phased out, France has already replaced it with the European health card, but UK is keeping it until the end of 2005.

The need for a residence permit in France was abolished for EU nationals last year.

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Mine took longer than 2 months. Then when I tried to register with CPAM, there were errors on the form and I had to send it back and start again.

I actually only asked for my E106 a couple of weeks before moving (as I moved at short notice) so left with an E111. This is meant to be wrong. When CPAM rejected my E106 I needed to see a doctor and asked what I should do. They asked if I had an E111 (which I did) and they told me to use that. When I said that I had heard the UK were getting a bit strict about people “mis-using” E111’s they basically said that it was them who refunded the costs and it had little to do with the UK. Anyway it was their (UK’s) fault for making a mistake on the form.

However, be aware that an E106 (or E111) only gives you the same cover as a French person paying Social Security and not the same cover as you would get in the UK under the NHS. In many cases this means 70% of the cost refunded to you (prescriptions less, other stuff different). You can check what you would get on http://www.ameli.fr/. You may have problems taking out top-up insurance until you have registered with CPAM for which you will need an E106 (or the retirement form – whose number I don’t know) – others may have more info on this.

Normally you take out “top-up insurance”. There are loads of other threads about this with posting from people who know much more about it than me.

My response to your question is to use an E111. The only other option I can see is to delay your move until you get your E106 (which is not likely). Maybe somebody else has different experience or knowledge ?

You also ask about a Residency Permit. I have assumed in the above that you are British Citizens. If that is the case you do not need a Residency Permit. Also, you do not need a Carte-de Sejour, etc. What you do need to register for depends on your country of residence/domicile. I suggest you check the Financial and Legal threads (I have very limited knowledge). You will probably need to register with CPAM (Health) and tax, hopefully others may make posting to correct me/add things.
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