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Long term rental required.


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I am still looking for a very small property of any kind with a little outside space to either buy or rent on a long-term basis (i.e. at least one year). I want to be near mountains. I will have about £40,000 capital and could afford up to 600 euros per month rent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, am moving to Lyon from end of August to start my masters there and would like to rent a room in a shared house/flat or a flat for myself for 1 year.

I'm living in Dublin now and won't be able to go to view the place myself till Aug, I want to start renting for a few months first with the possibility of extending it if I like the place, is it possible?

Can rent up to 400 Euros, so where can I find ads for this kind of place?

I tried the internet and actually found a site and wrote an email but no response so far and it's been a week about :(

Heard from a friend who was arranging an event for the university that the suppliers in France she was contacting wouldn't deal with her by email so she would have to make phone calls instead, so would that be the case with my room/flat inquiry?

Wouldn't mind getting a room in a student dorm or such either actually.

How is the common practice here? One has to pay one-month deposit (which you get back when you move out, I hope?), agent fee if using an agent (up to 1 month too?) as the usual practice, I suppose?

Any advice is very welcome.

Cheers in advance.

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Unfortunately, you suppose mostly wrong.  You should calculate on the basis of two months rent as a deposit, in addition to one months rent without charges as the agency fee.  Lyon is really expensive. Under no circumstances should you pay to see a list of flats, this sort of practice is rife, and it gives you no guarantee of actually finding anything.  For a room in a shared house, you need to come here and look for yourself, ads are posted on boards in the various universities.  Which are you going to?

University accomodation via the Crous, which organises all the official stuff is extremly tight.  Every year there are reports about students living in peculiar conditions, (rooms with old people and so on) because there is a real lack.  Certainly you should phone rather than email, and they will require a caution solidaire, basically that somebody will sign to say they will pay your rent if you can't, and this person has to have a good income.  Lyon is an expensive city, 400 euros will get you very little, a tiny studio on your own, unless you are ok with living in one of the less salubrious areas, such as the Etats unis, or going out into the suburbs, like Villeurbanne.  Villeurbanne would be a good choice, actually, it is cheaper that Lyon, but has fantastic transport links, you just need to stay within the ring road and it is fine.  I recommend l'escale lyonnaise; (google it)  if they will have you, they rent out rooms for periods of a week or a month, and do food.  They are really aimed at young people who arrive to work but they might take you.  To be honest, I don't fancy your chances of finding anything without coming first.  We recommend them to language assistants (I'm a teacher in Lyon).

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We have had our residence let out to tenants for 14 years now, not far from montains in the Haute Savoie.

Don't want to disillusion you, and you may well be very lucky, but 600 euros per month is normally way below what one would pay in this area.

In fact, around our area, rentals are double that. Perhaps you will be lucky in a more rural part of France, not too close to Geneva which is a major draw-card in our area.

Good luck!

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Thank you, Evaniers, but I don't want to live in Haute Savoie.  I want to live in somewhere very remote in the Pyrenees, and I have seen quite a few small properties at much less than 600 euros per month.

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Hi, really thank you for the advice.

Am trying to contact the Crous, first by email, but since no response for a week about by now, I have to build the courage to make a call.

I'm just afraid nobody speaks English in the admin of Crous and my French is really bad, not par to make conversation yet.

Ecully Cedex is where the campus is.

Any more advice is much appreciated. Thanks again!

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[quote user="Kimi"]

I have to build the courage to make a call.

I'm just afraid nobody speaks English in the admin of Crous and my French is really bad, not par to make conversation yet.

Ecully Cedex is where the campus is. [/quote]

In answer to a completely different question but one where telephoning was the only sensible way of communicating someone on here suggested that the poster find someone in the UKwho speaks really good French to telephone on their behalf. Perhaps you could find such a person to help you out?

Good Luck.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Thank you for your private message, John.  I am not sure that my reply was sent correctly, but it was to say that I would LOVE to rent your accommodation on a long term basis but I fear I could not afford it.


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