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Cost of CMU


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I suspect that you are asking the wrong question. The CMU is for the very poor in society and helps them with their health care. Quite a recent thing in France as some poor people had next to no cover at all prior to this coming in.

I think you must be talking about Social Securite payments or one of the other organisations that deal with health care. There have been posts about it and maybe you should reask about thsi sort of payment. Several posters are in this situation of having to make such payments for health care and should be able to help you.

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For information the household income thresholds under which one is entitled to apply for a free complementary health policy are below. The income is net after deduction of allowances ie; the "revenu fiscal de reference"

Single Person 6913 Euros

Couple 10370 Euros

3 Persons 12444 Euros

4 Persons 14518 Euros

For those who pay the 8% contribution because of affiliating under residence criteria the threshold has been increased from 6721 to 6849 Euros efffective 1 Oct 2004.

This threshold is per household, the "foyer fiscal", NOT per person.


Peter Owen

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Although of course your figures are of course correct, if I read it the regs right, isn't a figure added to these allowances if one owns their own property. So pushing you closer or even over the figure, where you would not be allowed the Free Comp cover ? 


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I was careful to say that one "can" apply for a free complementary insurance if the income is below these thresholds and not that it will be automatically granted. Even if one is successful it is far from guaranteed that this will continue in the second and subsequent years even if these thresholds are not reached. CPAM can and do apply considerable latitude in their assesssment of each individual case and may well effectively means test someone. The safety net is there for those in genuine need but for those whose income is low but are "asset rich" for example, applying for a free "top up" could bring unwelcome attention from the authorities. One of the requirements to obtain a "carte de séjour" was proof of financial resources. Just because the actual "carte" is no longer required (by EU/Swiss nationals) it in no way means you no longer need sufficient financial resources to live here. Think about it.


Peter Owen


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  • 6 months later...

[quote]Hello,For information the household income thresholds under which one is entitled to apply for a free complementary health policy are below. The income is net after deduction of allowances ie; the "re...[/quote]

Peter, would you mind expanding on the thresholds?

We are a family of 6

When is the 6849 euro per foyer fiscal threshold used versus the other threshold (up to 4 persons -14518 euro)


Many Thanks



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Hello Aussie,

In your case if your household income after (French) allowances is is below 14518 € then you can apply for a free top up insurance. But if your income is above this amount, say, 20,000 € then your contribution will be 8% of 20000 - 6849 = 1052.08 € payable in 4 quarterly installments of 263.02 €.


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