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Declaration de Grossesse


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Have any of you in Manche (area 50) had to fill in the above form issued by your gynaecologist to show you are pregnant?

It then has to be sent to the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales to register you and so that check up costs can be reimbursed.  Does anyone know where this is in area 50?

Any help would be great, thanks.

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There is a CAF office in Avranches, next door to CPAM. Other major towns should have one, you should be able to find your nearest in the phone book.

However, have you tried the helplines? There is an English-speaking one (0820 904 212), it is open Mon-Fri 0900 to 1800. The French equivalent (and more details about the English one) can be found at http://www.saint-lo.ameli.fr. Non-Manchois note that this is intended for residents of 50, though I believe people in neighbouring départments have used it.

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Your phone book will always have all these addresses in it. The yellow pages will tend to have this sort of thing under administration, where as the pages blanches will have it under the town you are looking up. These offices are usually in the main towns and if in doubt, your Mairie will be able to help and perhaps tell you if and when a representative from such as the CAF come to your village/ town.
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I take it congratulations are in order :o)

My gynae found out the address of the CAF and gave it to me, even though I was in a different dept to where I had my check ups. I can't quite remember but I think you have to send it to the CPAM as well, not 100% sure as it's just over 9 months since I gave birth, just a word of warning if you haven't got a mutuelle or top up you don't get 100% of your health costs paid until about 5 months, you get your check ups and scans paid but if you need medicines or extra blood tests etc etc you only get the normal reimboursement. Even after 5 months, things like indigestion remedies are only reimboursed as normal, *soft drugs* I think they call them :o)


Pippa and btw felicitations !

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