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E106 refused

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I wonder if anybody can help me please.  I left England in May 2002, to work and pay tax etc.. in Belgium.  I did tell Newcastle what was happening and could they please send me an E106.  Lots booklets arrived but no forms, over the next few months I phones and faxed them asking for a form.  I was told not to worry as I had only just left the country (it was now almost a Year later) I could still use in an emergency E111.  In June 2003 I told Newcastle that I was now retiring to live full time in France and had still not received any forms in connections. They said they would look into and get in touch. On the 8th November saying that it may take some time to resolve my query, but a full reply will a.s.a.p. on 21st  March 2005 the answer came back with that we have no cover as we left the country more than 2 years ago so an E106, E111 or E121 can not be issued.  As I am only in my only early 50's can anyone please advise what French office I go to now to get into the French system I do know I will have to also take out Medical Insurance. 

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Go immediately to your nearest CPAM (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie) which will be in your nearest large town (your mairie will give you the address) and explain your situation to them.,the longer you leave it the more difficult the situation becomes for you.You MUST get some sort of health cover especially if you are resident in France as the Elll will not pay all your charges,if any now and you could end up through no fault of your own if you are involved in say, a car accident, paying out thousands of euros for hospital treatment and aftercare. The CPAM will possibly contact Newcastle for you or give you paperwork to send them although don't hold your breath because you are the stranger in their country and should be in posession of all these bits of paper already and some fonctionnaires tend to be a bit unresponsive to these applications that are not straightforward. Good luck
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As you went to work in another EU country and joined in their system you should not have had dealings with Newcastle for your health cover........ well that is what I understood from what your post. I'm even surprised that Newcastle said you could use an E111, shouldn't the beligans have issued you with one for when you were travelling.

So if anyone should be giving you an E106 shouldn't it be the Social Security in Belgium.

When we moved here it was directly to a job and we were put into the french system immediately. We therefore get everything from France and if by chance we moved to another EU country, would ask the french SS for all the necessary paperwork, if we would not be working in our new country of residence.



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Even if you where entitled to an E106 at the time you moved from the UK (although if you were going to work in another european country I am sure it would have been a different number form you should have been issued with) it would have expired by now.

 I think TU is right, ask the Belgian authorities for an E106, if you don't meet the criteria then ask them to confirm in writing that you are not entitled to an E106 and take the reply along with all the usual documents to CPAM and register under the French system, plenty of advice in the search facilities on this forum on how to do that.

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I agree with TU that Newcastle is now out of the loop as you have been out of the UK for more than 2 years even though they should have issued you with an E106 assuming you had paid the right amount of contributions in your last two years or so in the UK.

An E111 is irrelevant as it is for holiday/travelling use only.

IF the rules are the same in Belgium as in the UK then you should get in touch with their social security office dealing with foreigners and ask them for an E106. If the rules are not the same for some reason then I'm sure they will tell you the facts.

If you get one take it to your local CPAM office (phone no in the tel book) and ask to join the French system. If you can't get one you can join the system anyway but subject to income/earnings etc. for any charges.

Whilst many people here in France belong to a Mutuelle for a "top up" of any refunds on doctors fees, drugs etc (up to 70%) many do not, but risk having to pay the difference.

I would still be inclined to have a go at Newcastle to find out why they did not give you an E106 in the first place.



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Thank you for the replies that you have given me.  My husband applied for the job on a Wednesday with a Belgian company. Received the contract on Friday and started on the Monday.  We were not transferred to Belgium so we did not have the assistance of a UK company helping us with the paperwork.  We rang the tax man etc.. and told all the Government Dept that we could think of that we had left the country and was selling our house to live for a while in Belgium and then going to France to retire and followed the advice that the different dept offered us, and 90% of the paperwork has been correct.

I do not know BJSLIV typed the start of the message in red, I thought this was a friendly place to ask questions. In Belgium my husband did pay into the Belgian system and also a top up insurance, but I had no cover which is why I was chasing for the E106.  

We will go along with all the documents that we have to our local CPAM and see what happens next. 

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OK, someone explain please. The why, if one is moving to another EU country and working for a company and joining that countries system immediately as to why an E106 would need to be issued. I can imagine an E111 covering those very few weeks till the paperwork all goes through, but an E106?
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You personally wouldn't have needed  an E106 for Belgium  because you were covered by your husband's contributions in Belgium. However if neither of you had been working then both of you could have been covered by a single Uk E106 ; For once a financial benefit of being married!

The same logic now applies to your situation in France, if your husband worked for sufficient time in Belgium to qualify for a Belgian E106 , both of you will be covered for a short time in  France. However given the relatively short stay in Belgium and the complexities of the qualification periods I fear that you might not qualify.

If that is the case, or in any case once the E106 expires, you will pay a contribution based on your income. Assuming that one of you will be entitled to a UK pension ,when this payment starts you will be entitled to  an E121 from the UK, which once again will cover both of you and your  contribution will cease.

However you would probably wish to continue your top-up insurance which could be something like £1000 a year, at current prices.

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Well I agree with BJSLIV then, you should have been covered as a spouse, that is exactly how it was for us all those years ago when the EEC was a more vague affair as were the rules rather than current EU legislation.
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This can be complicated because it's dificult without knowing all the facts because obviously some are personal.



Two things, I asked a Belgian friend and as I suspected an E106 is a EU form and is used in al EU member states but to get it you and/or your spouce must have been in full time work for the two years prior to you asking for a E106, by work I mean the equivilent of UK PAYE.


The next thing is did you get a letter from Newcastle refusing you your E106?


I came to France with no E106 and it was quite simple to join and this is what I needed in my area.


Letter from Newcastle refusing E106.


I had to write a letter in French explaining the reason I was refused. This is simple because it will give you the three or four reasons you can be refused a E106 on the letter you should get from Newcastle. Whilst it does not give a reason specifically for you the reason will become obvious once you have read the letter.


You and your spouses birth certificate.


Marriage certificate.


Letter of residency from your mayor.


RIB from bank.


Utility bill (EDF is OK).


Make copies, show the originals but give them the copies, NEVER EVER give originals. Take hem to your local CPAM office and they will sort it out for you.


Two weeks later I got my temporary number and 8 weeks later I got my Carte Vital and proper number.


You then must complete a tax form as this will be used to calculate your future payments. When I say must I don’t mean it really but it sure makes things easy.


Last year I paid no tax or cotistations as I did not earn enough (got my tax de habitation paid as well) and was told I did not have to pay anything to CPAM but that my cover would run out in October 2005. This is OK because I will pay tax and cotistations for 2004 and get further cover, probably till October 2006 and so it will go on year by year.


So as others have said don’t hang around to long. Good luck.

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