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"colo" cost


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mr polremy has to undergo a "colo" (is that coloscopy or colonoscopy - i'm not sure?) tomorrow. he was not eligible for the normal do-it- yourself- at- home stool test because of a family history of bowel cancer. obviously he is anxious about the whole thing, probably because it entails a general anaesthetic. however, i am also worried that we will be faced with a large bill afterwards. does anyone out there have any idea what we are likely to be charged?

did hear someone say that any treatment to do with cancer is free but that cant be true. someone else said that oerations under general anaesthetic are free! that cant be true either. or can it? wouldnt that be nice.

we have carte vitale but no top up insurance.

hope someone out there can give us some idea of what to expect.


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I had a colonoscopy as part of a survey without anaesthetic and it was very uncomfortable but ok. Watched on the screen as the tube wandered about.Husband had one in UK with anaesthetic and no problems. I had to meet him to bring him home. I rang the doctor here in France to see about having another one done here and I think she said about 50-100 euro but not sure. Why not ring the dept. at the hospital first to find out? There is pre-op preparation to empty the bowel. Pat.
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>>There is pre-op preparation to empty the bowel. <<

Frankly I think that was by far the worse part

I had a light anaesthetic which made feel slightly woozy, is it really a 'general' ?

I quite enjoyed looking at the screen and seeing that inside at least I am still pink and healthy looking !!!

Good Luck
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thank you so much, pat and russethouse for your replies yesterday. just got back from the clinique. it was very efficient. the general anaesthetic took effect immediately but mr. polremy was back with us and entirely lucid and cheerful just 20 minutes. the very nice doctor said all was fine - not a polyp in sight - and he must return for another checkup in five years. the best news of all was that nobody asked us for any money!!! they swiped our carte vitale as we came in but didnt ask us to cross their palms with silver. it could be that there is a bill in the post but i dont think so. maybe it comes under the auspices of the depistage for colon cancer. anybody out there putting it off should have not fear!

thanks again for the prompt messages in our darkest hour! they really helped.

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