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Another E106 tale


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Finally got around to getting E106.  Well, in the end, they said I was not entitled to one but Mr MDW got one valid for a year.  Went to CPAM office only to be told we were in wrong place (CPAM we went to was for OAPs/retirement stuff and the lady said we were a bit too young). She pointed us in the direction of the social security office.  Arrived and duly took numbered ticket from machine (with sinking heart).  Our turn. Explained what we wanted, she took birth certs, marriage certs, all copies of E106 (we had 2) and also when I said Mr MDW used his mothers name not his fathers name (for reasons I shall not go into but they were married when he was born ).  "Have you a judgement?" she said.  "Yes" says I.  She duly took a copy and a copy of his passport just in case and then said she could not deal our application there - it had to be sent away to a special department that deals with "foreigners" in Toulouse.  She then gave me the address of the office in Toulouse and told me they should write to us but we could still take any paperwork to our local office.  "How long will it take?"  Says I. Gallic shrug.  "One, two months?"  Another Gallic shrug (but with a nice smile).  Still have no idea what to do next.  She took all our papers and now, rather stupidly, we don't have a copy.  Still no wiser as to what happens next!

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I have a high court judgement showing that I am not allowed to use my fathers surname in law, I have to use my mothers name as my maiden name. Everyone EXCEPT the health authorities have accepted this, I now have two maiden names and a married name - so don't hold your breath.

I wish you all the best but the good news was - we did get the 2 years cover. Don't need it now as I am registered to work in France and pay for both of us.

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Well Mrs MDW, this could prove interesting for you. What they will use is the name on your husband's original birth certificate and if that is his father's then it is quite likely, no I will say that I'm quite sure he will be known by his father's name here. You will be known by the name on your birth certificate.

And if by chance you 'get around' this name thing, please let us know as I know people who would love to be known by their 'real' name and not what the french system inflicts upon them.

I hope you get your originals back OK. I'm always afraid stuff will be lost and always make spare photocopies of all  documents before taking originals anywhere. 

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Thanks for your comments everyone!  Oh bloody hell, I feel another bad day coming on! 

Thankfully we have loads of "original" copies of birth/marriage certificates that we paid for, not the E106s though.

Did you know in the UK you can use any name you like, legally, without even having to get a deed poll or high court declaration? (I had to deal with name changes a lot in my former UK life).

How does it work then?  He has absolutely nothing in his father's name - all ID, passport, driving licence, French bank accounts, bills, house purchase, job etc all in the name he's been using pretty much all his life - as are mine (I use my married not maiden name here and have so far not had any problems).  It will cause no end of stress for us if he all of a sudden has to start using a name he has not used since he was a small child (many, many years ago!). None of his records will actually tie in together.  How will he be able to prove his identity?  Don't the French have a method of changing names legally? 

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As they well may insist upon this, the only things that I can imagine that he will need to note his 'birth' name on would be the odd form for the CPAM. And perhaps some other really official document. Di perhaps can think of something else.

His proof of the name use, would be a copy of his birth certificate where his mother's name and father's name are clearly indiciated. They tie everything in together. I am not suggesting that he actually change his name for every day use. This is an official thing. His cheque books etc would remain in the name he uses, I'm pretty sure about that.

I believe that only a Minister or even the President can change it. I think Richardbk posted this information some time ago.


I think that this sort of decision goes off to somewhere like INSEE rather than being decided at local level.

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The really odd thing...

is that she asked for the document regarding change of name (we did not offer it first) and then scanned down it until she came to the appropriate place where the legal bit concering the name change was in the document (which makes me think she must have understood a fair amount of English!)

It seems odd that she should have regognised the document and asked for it if it does not apply in France?  We'll just have to wait and see what happens next and if it's good news regarding the name I'll let you know.  You never know, it may turn out to be one of those weirdo things that differs from dept to dept (Knowing this very odd country it could be!) or that the rules have changed (pigs might fly too!)

Just had another thought..will the new law that came in on 1 Jan 2005 regarding patronyms change this? 

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Mrs MDW, as I said, I have a feeling that it isn't decided locally anyway. And I was thinking that too, if this new law will help your case in any way.

I have heard that, I think it is germans, often use the mother's name and they have had problems too. To be seen really isn't it. Keep us posted anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's an update...

Today we've had all our papers that we gave to the CPAM sent back (original E106s, RIB, birth/marriage certs etc).  They have asked 3 questions. What is our residence situation (I assume primary residence is what they want to see - it is the case for us anyway)?  Is Mr MDW on placement here and is working for a UK company if so they need an E101 (he's not)? Is he working for a French company (he's not)? They've also sent a green form for him to complete so I can be his dependant.

No mention of name change etc and all docs still addressed to the name he uses not the one on his birth cert.

A question for you guys?  Is it normal for them to sent the entire file back and when we respond do we send the whole lot back again?


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  • 5 months later...

An update

In May (yes, we were a bit busy!! :hehe all stuff sent back to CPAM in Toulouse together with updated E106 (valid for two years this time).

July - discussion with pal from TF forum who gave me a right telling off (in the nicest possible way) for not getting it all sorted out.

Mr MDW calls the CPAM office for international relations in Toulouse, finds someone who speaks perfect English, faxes off to them a letter confirming conversation he;s had and a week alter, lo and behold all original documents returned (birth, marriage certs etc) together with a letter confirming entitlement and social secutiy number!  No questions over name change, all in current (correct) name.

Oops, just spotted - only has HIS name on it no mention of mine!

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A question for you guys?  Is it normal for them to send the entire file back and when we respond do we send the whole lot back again?


I know, you now know the answer to this question, but for anyone else reading this, yes send back the entire dossier, even if it's been backwards  and forwards several times they still expect all of sent back each time it will save you some time in the long run to comply however crazy it may seem.


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