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Chimney Sweeping..and Insurance?


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When renting, does the landlord have to get the chimney swept as a legal obligation or not? Our house has an open fire and apparently the chimney needs a good sweep and hasn't been done for years, so should I press the landlord to pay for it?

Also, does the landlord have to give me proof of buildings insurance?

Many thanks!


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It's normal for the tenant to be responsible for the "ramonage" and agencies would expect to "tick off" receipt of a copy of your receipt for said sweeping.

[quote]Also, does the landlord have to give me proof of buildings insurance?[/quote]

I very much doubt it. Why? It is normal for the tenant to have to provide the landlord/agent with copies of appropriate insurance - fire & water (sometimes referred to as "dégats", ours is entitled "attestation d'assurance locataire") and then there's "attestation d'assurance responsabilité civile villegiature" with (possibly optional) "attestation d'assurance responsabilité civile vie privée" and the agents tick off receipt of these each year and wouldn't sign the agreement to begin with without them.

If you're concerned about your rights, contact ADIL (Les Agences Départementales pour l'Information sur le Logement):


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