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French health care and change of name


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This may be of interest to those who have changed names in the past for reasons other than marraige.

MOH changed his name back to his mothers maiden name years ago by deep poll/court order.  Some folk said that this may cause problems when sorting out entry into the French medical system ie he may have to use his old name - not a popular option for him. .

We submitted all the usual papers to the CPAM including a copy of the deed poll and they have given us an attestation des droits in the correct name - no quetion about or mention of the change of name.

Maye the rules/times have changed or do you think it was fluke?

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I'm pleased you have posted this. Fluke, well unless the law has changed then I think it is....... which means that it probably hasn't been done legally and properly.

I'll pass it on though to the people I know in the same situation. And I'm sure that Iceni will be interested too.

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I would say this is a fluke. I am in the same situation except that the High Court of England decided that my name should be changed by Deed Poll - and the French refuse to accept any of this and so I have a name in France I cannot use legally in the UK.

It is fun having three legal names - one friend of ours is registered in her 'middle' name - not family or married name. They cannot get it corrected so really once they have made their decision, or chosen a name at random, that is the name you get used to being called by. I get loads of junk mail in the name registered by the health authority so I wonder where they get that info from...

Call me what you like - I am still me - well I think I am - oh just realised I cannot see the icons any more as IE died and I moved to Firefox - so please insert a bemused look here.
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