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Carte Vitale


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Hello Everyone.

I moved out here a month ago and have at the momement a E111 that covers me until 31st Dec this year.

My query is what happens after that can I get a carte Vitale even though at the momement I have no employment here.

My husband as we understand it will be okay as he still works for a UK company and pays taxes and NI to England so he is covered with the new EHIC.

I seem to fall into a grey area as we see it.

Anybody else in or been in same position and can advise me what to do.


Sarah Tiller

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There seems to be a bit of confusion about your position, which is not really surprising as many people coming to live in France seem equally confused - there must be a lack of good information and advice in Britain for those moving to other European countries.

First, the E111 and European Health Insurance Card are, to a great extent, the same thing. If you have an E111 you, as well as your husband, should be able to get an EHIC (though if you are now a French resident and out of the British system this will be difficult).

However, the E111/EHIC is not the right document for you. It is intended for visitors, not residents, and if you require anything other than emergency treatment you could be in trouble. What you need is another E form, which will get you into the French system. As your husband is working and paying full NI contributions in Britain while you live in France the E109 would seem to be the right form. You should have sorted this out before moving, but your husband can probably still arrange for a form for you through DWP in Newcastle.

Many, but not all, E foms will also entitle you to a carte vitale. But even if not, you will get a French social security number which will entitle you to claim refunds, normally up to 70%, and other health benefits identical to other French residents.

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As Will says you have not got the right form. These health cards are not for residential purposes and in theory you don't have cover as a resident.

You need to contact Newcastle ASAP and get the right E form and send it into your local Caisse de Maladie.

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We have recently moved to France and found that obtaining the E106 from Newcastle was a good starting point.In my first week here I took a fluent French speaker along to the Gueret office of the French 'health service'and not only got myself into the system but also my wife and son as dependents.All was very quick,friendly and 2 weeks later my oficial form and number arrived by post.

I hope this helps.
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