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Carte Vitale Irish situation


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I am in France for a year with my partner and son and we intend to go back next August 2006. 

No commments please on why we would go back to such lovely weather !!!!

We are not employed or do we intend to while here. We have an E111 card and were wondering about

the necessity of applying for a carte vitale.  Will the e111 suffice?

Signed:  Not ill at present!!


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Your E111 will not cover you, it is designed for emergency holliday treatment only and if you make a claim you may be asked to prove your date of entry into France, you should get the appropriate E form for your circumstances.
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Hi Seamus, just to let you know that the situation is very different for Irish citizens/residents. You cannot get an E106 as entitlement to health care in Ireland is not related to your PRSI contributions but to your income (unlike the UK).

When I left Ireland, I was told by the dept in St James Hospital which looks after E forms, to use my E111/European Health Card until I was covered by the French system. 

The new European Health Card (the E111 does not really exist any more) covers you for emergency and necessary treatment on a temporary stay abroad (eg, EU countries and a few others).

My understanding of your situation is that you are in France temporarily so I cannot see why you cannot use the European Health Card.

If you were with  VHI in Ireland, have a look at their Global policy which caters for your situation.

You will not get a Carte Vitale unless you have an E106 or get cover under CMU - this is free if your income is below a certain amount (have a look at other posts or do a google search, the info is readily available) or you have to contribute 8 per cent of your income.

The French portal/website for info on health www.amelie.fr has info in English.




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