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Hang on to your Carte Vitale


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Just a cautionary note.  Having recently moved house, I advised my CPAM office and they duly sent out the forms for change of address etc.  They advised me to send in my carte vitale, along with the completed forms, to the new CPAM offices.  Of course, I obliged. 

5 weeks down the line and I am still bereft of a new carte vitale and an up to date attestation.  I even popped into the local Assurance Maladie office and they checked on their system to see how things were progressing,  nothing appeared on the screen and the kind lady said, "sorry, you don't exist at the moment"  "OK then, not to worry, pretend I wasn't here, which shouldn't be difficult if I don't exist". 

Speaking to the pharmacist and explaining the lack of my carte vitale, he was very understanding and said, "don't take the delay personally, it is normal, not because you are English, the same happens all the time to most people, including myself".  

You kind of feel like you are missing a part of you when your carte vitale is not in your wallet, it is after all, an important card.  I would not send it sailing away in the post again, not without a fight.

Apparently things have now progressed a little and one office has actually spoken to the other and posted my dossier, so a part of me is in existence once more.  Wether the dossier actually arrives at the new office, remains to be seen.  To be continued............ 


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You just send you forms in and get reimbursed c'est tout. And you will have your original attestation in case you have to go to hospital. The system works perfectly well sans carte vitale.

There is too much obsessiveness about these cards, they are not the be all and end all. The most important thing is that attestation and being eligible for cover.

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I'm sans CV at the moment as CPAM is in the process of opening a dossier for me and transferring OH and kids to my new dossier and so has taken both our CVs. As yet I haven't received an Attestation.

I've got an appt for a scan this afternoon and they have asked me to bring my CV. The lady at CPAM said that it's not a problem, just take along the Attestation from OH's dossier.
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Yes, thanks, I know about the forms etc.  I was not worrying about having to pay up front, in fact the post was rather light hearted and the card is important to me, with the original three year old attestation now being void, as I have been told by CPAM, Mutuelle ad pharmacies alike.  Hence I await the new one.


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  • 4 weeks later...
When we moved from Dept.34 to 75 we were required to hand in our Cartes Vitales along with the change of address details.  It took nearly a year for them to be returned, although in practice it didnt matter too much.  Now we are about to move again and apart from photocopying them as proof of their existence, I cant think of a solution. Any attestation will suffice meanwhile, but the next complication is changing medecin traitant.  Any idea how long that takes to be registered?
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I finally received a new attestation, yippee.  Then, two more arrived the day after !  Thanks CPAM, I have enough now   Still no carte vitale, although they say it is on route........ they even telephoned me personally to let me know.......now that's an achievement, probably to shut me up once and for all [:#]

Finally, it has arrived, what a relief.[:D]

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Does anyone know if its reasonably easy to register at CPAM for a Carte Vitale if ones contributions aren't up to date.

I spoke to Newcastle a year ago as to my elligibilty for a E106 because I had paid UK NI up to end 2004 and so now that has run out.

We are not employed here but are able to support ourselves from savings and pensions.

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