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dentist required ugently


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went along on thursday to my dentist in chef boutonne because of the agony I was in...he is on holiday and the remaining dentist can not see me till 19th of December!!!!! even though I stressed the urgency..no can do! so I asked for some medicine...now taking anti inflammatorys, penicillin, paracetomol and whisky....does anyone know of a good dentist near Melle preferably speaks a little english.

I am on holiday from the 14th and really need to see someone soon.

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...now taking anti inflammatorys, penicillin, paracetomol and whisky....

Only take one of the above at a time, or at least if you are opting for whisky forget the rest. Always lie about how much pain you are in when you visit a new French dentist. Mine was very upset because I had told her receptionist that it was not too bad and the receptionist had booked me in ten days latter.  

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Most dental pain is caused by an abscess so the penicillin is to fight the infection, but you can take pain killers until these start to work.

I suppose you should forget the alcohol but I sympathize with the temptation!

As a dental nurse I was told that dental pain combined with swelling really is an emergency (because it could 'in extremis', close your throat) so if you have swelling make sure you really stress this.
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I did not realise the waiting lists was so long in France...  It has been a long time since I lived in the EU and I am used to emergency treatment the same day......  Guess I will have to get used to the delays too...

Toothache relief ...   have you tried the old remedy of sucking a clove in the area of pain, sounds crazy but it worked for me one christmas eve!!!...

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many thanks for advice...do you know the name of the dentist in Aulnay? My dentist returns on monday afternoon so I am going to visit him and just demand to see him, as I have been going regularly for 5 years surely he will see me?

And yes I think it is a reacurring abcess...allways happens when I am on a long haul flight, or miles from home in a foreign country, or stressed over something!

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I think I obviously misinterpreted the title of this post.

I thought it meant that you were in agony and had to see a dentist and I had felt sorry for you, but our ideas of agony are obviously different. I sat back in amazement that you are still asking for more dentists names today.

If you look in your yellow pages all the dentists names are there. If you look on http://www.pagesjaunes.fr/  you will find the names of all the dentists in France.



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You must keep taking the antibiotics but take the paracetamol and the anti-inflammatory medication as prescribed on the packets you can take some together but may have to alternate the painkillers. But leave out the whisky which might interact with the antibiotics.

Have a look at NHS Direct's website for more help, you can also phone them from France if you use a mobile. It wouldn't be a good idea for anyone to 'demand to be seen, anyway, the dentist may not be able to do anything until the inflammation/infection has subsided.

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I don't agree Moonbus, there has been no mention of the source of these antibiotics that are being taken. If there really is a problem shouldn't a professional decide on appropriate treatment.

My limited experience of the NHS helpline is that it usually phones back,why would they do that to France.

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Yes it was required urgently on Thursday and by evening I thought my head was going to explode..even after taking the penicillin and anti-inflammatories eventually I decided to take paracetemol and later on whisky...and the pain eventually subsided.  Friday we had guests arriving (have to run a business) and the pain just niggled, saturday my face was swollen and a red rash all over, tried phoning one recommended dentist...no answer. Two other local dentists had horror stories told by friends. Sunday I am continuing to take tablets, rash has gone, trouble is when the pain started (which I believe is a tooth that I have had root canal treatment) then begun to spread not only along the top but unless it was my imagination down to the bottom jaw...Now, my french is just not good enough to go into all this information, so that is why I am hoping I can see my dentist who has all relevant x.rays and paperwork. But if all fails I will just have to go the first dentist that can see me.

By the way I have suffered twice with an abcess both times with no medication due to 1. being in a India (less said about that the better) 2. for personal reasons not able to take medication. It was not fun!

I just want a recommended dentist!

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It may be of use for you to know that different antibiotics are usefull for different things.  It could be that the Penicillin is not the right one for your particular problem or that you have not given them enough time to work.  We usually tell our patients to wait at least 48 hours and to have painkillers to hand as well.  The best ones tend to be the paracetemol plus codeine.  I know that you can buy them over the counter in the uk.  YOU MUST  NOT exceed  the recommended dose of paracetemol.   However, if you are having other symptoms, such as increasing swelling, up to the eyes for instance or in the tongue/throat it would be necessary to visit the local emergency dept of the local hospital because this could become a real emergency.  Unfortuantely dental pain is not considered 'life threatening' so the term emergency has to be used carefully. I would advise against exagerating symptoms in order to be seen.  It is usually quite obvious to the dentist how much pain someone may be experiencing , believe me, we have seen it all over the last 25 yrs!  As for the long waiting list in France, it might be worth remembering that although we have twice daily clinics for dental emergencies the waiting list for an appointment is March!  In my opinion an appointment in December is excellent.

Good Luck

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Hope you manage to see your dentist tomorrow......I'm not sure of the name of the dentist in Aulnay but as you come in on the road from Cherbonnieres just as the road meets the town square he is on the left opposite the florist. I haven't used him as we use one near Matha but all our friends who live in that area recommend him.

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I have had problems and if it is so bad you could scream then it is likely an abcess under or at side of tooth. until the swelling goes down via use of antibiotics the dentist normally will not touch your tooth-extract it or fill it.




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Thats not unusual, in fact I had an absess like that too, but if this is an ongoing problem I would ask what other long term solutions there might be.


ache must come second only to child birth on the pain scale, and as I have just broken my collar bone I feel I speak with a degree of knowledge

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