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Private Uk midecal insurance


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No it is not legal to have private health care insurance in France, though it is posssible to pay to go privately  if you use certain private clinics and/or have some sort of career in the UK diplomatic service it seems

.  If you intend to live in France you must register within a very short time of moving here, and E forms aside, if not exempted by age, condition or means, you will also contibute to the French health care system. 

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Certain categories of workers are certainly allowed have special private insurance schemes - where I live, frontaliers who work in Switzerland but live in France take out private medical insurance via French insurance agencies, which allow them to access French or Swiss state health services.  Your contribtion to CPAM is essentially included in the premium.  The same may be true for French residents living in EU border areas, and possibly true for any French residents communting to the UK.

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Hello oh,

This subject has come up before and I received a real slagging from some posters.  Under certain circumstances it is possible to continue with private insurance legally. If you would like to send me a private mail outlining your circumstances I can advise you better.



Peter Owen


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