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E106 for 3 years +

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[quote user="Chrisb"]

Thanks for the advice, Peter,  which

is pretty much exactly what I had decided,

too.......................I'm not prepared to 'rock my boat' for the

sake of others on this forum.

Just for info, though, my husband continues to commute weekly to the

UK and pays UK NI and Tax contributions, however DWP were not

aware of this when we moved over............................etc




Well from that, it can be deduced that you don't have any idea anyway, as to how you got 5 years E106  "I

am sure that I merely said that we were moving to France, and

please could I have an E106, and that is what arrived! "

So rocking the boat doesn't really come in to it, does it ?

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No we don't all pay into the same, if say you became a teacher with the education nationale then you would have your own Caisse. As do artians  and the military and I am sure other groups.

The CPAM is the general one. If you are going to start a business then you should ask your Chambre de Metier or Artisan which caisse to approach.           


Edit I think that the teachers is called the MGEN, but not completely sure if those are the right letters.                     

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[quote user="Miki"]
Well from that, it can be deduced that you don't have any idea anyway, as to how you got 5 years E106  "I am sure that I merely said that we were moving to France, and please could I have an E106, and that is what arrived! "

So rocking the boat doesn't really come in to it, does it ?


Blimey, you're not very pleasant are you.................you really have had quite a sarcastic pick at me over this, as if I have said something that really offended you.........I apologised at the beginning for not having given a very helpful post regarding the E106, I think I'll go back to lurking, or posting in sections where you don't often post!!


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[quote user="Chrisb"]

[quote user="Miki"]

Well from that, it can be deduced that you don't have any idea anyway, as to how you got 5 years E106  "I

am sure that I merely said that we were moving to France, and

please could I have an E106, and that is what arrived! "

So rocking the boat doesn't really come in to it, does it ?


Blimey, you're not very pleasant are you.................you really

have had quite a sarcastic pick at me over this, as if I have said

something that really offended you.........I apologised at the

beginning for not having given a very helpful post regarding the E106,

I think I'll go back to lurking, or posting in sections where you don't

often post!!



Oh come now don't be so bashful ! Your reply was, as you are aware,

very sarcastic itself. My point to you, was not meant to be, oh so

pleasant or unpleasant, just a simple question.

That post was to put you straight, in so much as in your reply to Peter

Owens,   you said you were keeping the reason to yourself as to why you

got 5 years E106 but had stated to me in your reply to me, that you had no idea why you got

that length of time on the E106 ! So what is it to be, don't know or

won't tell ? Not so hard a question and not meant to be unpleasant either.

You can't say you didn't know and then say, you weren't going to say why ! Surely you see the point I was making ?

There are "knitting places" or "Isn't it ooh so luverrly here" threads,

that I don't venture in, so keep on lurking  and pop in to those

sections if you want !!

Shame really, so many people are pretty quick to ask questions and many

ask for much needed help but I have noticed lately, that a few of those

are now not answering questions about their way of living in France,

makes one wonder if those persons with the answers for them, should say

nothing as well ! And before you think this part is just for you, there

are others recently as well.

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No, I was not keeping the reasons to myself..........I don't know why we got an E106 for 5 years, and the 'not rocking the boat' comment was that I didn't intend to contact the DWP to find out why. Why was my reply sarcastic and bashful?
I don't want 'knitting places' or  'Isn't it lovely threads'.............don't knit, and am quite aware that it isn't all lovely, but thanks for the suggestion!!
I found the last paragraph a bit confusing, not 100% sure what you meant by it, but I am glad that it wasn't just for me, I think!!



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Why was my reply sarcastic and bashful?

Well look at your post..........

Sorry, you are right, not much use at all!!  [:$] In

fact, I have no idea why we got an E106 for 5 years.................I

won't post the fact again!! [:)]



Well just to put my thoughts on how your post come across to me, I

will tell you. You put exclamation marks after your first sentence and

then a bashful (or insincere embarrassed face) and then end with a

sarcastic ....I won't post that fact again................... followed by a smile [:)].

Now if you were indeed sorry, I don't believe any of the smileys

would have been used and just a straight apology for posting what was

actually a statement that without details, was not much use to any

other LF member. I think that adds up to a sarcastic response !

I sincerely hope you will get answers to the questions you will no

doubt need in your life here and I also hope that they are somewhat

more helpfull than the reply you gave with that post.

If you were confused by my last paragraph...........well.

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Well, I used the embarrased faced smiley because I realised that you were right and that my post was fairly meaningless, and by saying that I wouldn't post the fact again, I was agreeing with you about its uselessness! The smiley, smiley was actually meant to be a friendly way of finishing the post. Sorry, but I do go in for exclamation marks a lot, it's just the way I am.


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[quote user="Teamedup"]viva, voluntary contributions are towards pensions and that is all. There are no associated benefits included when we make this payment.[/quote]

I know this is going back a few days but what form of NI pays for your health cover in UK. I assumed that only Class 4 contributions were for pensions. Surely the basic contributions are for health cover as evryone is covered for health in UK as a minimum requirement.

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