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E106 again....sorry!!


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Hi everyone, we have just received our e106 and it tells us to take to our nearest insurance provider?? Anyone out there know where the nearest insurance provided for health is in and around the Gemozac (17) area?? i have a feeling we may need to go to Saintes, but if anyone knows, it would be helpful.  Many thanks in advance


Chadeniers 17

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Spot on advice above.  The CPAM should be able to give you a temporary Medical Cover number on the spot and a carte vitale will come later.  Remember to take your birth certificate(s), marriage certificate (if applicable) and a bill as proof of residence and your passport - all are needed in addition to the E106.  You will still need a top-up assurance maladie if you want full reimbursement - the E106 does not cover the full cost of consultancy and treatment.
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A lot of the companies are regional, so can't help on that, but the lady at our CPAM gave us a list of companies and advised tor ing around and get several quotes - just as you would in the UK.  Some companies are better for covering families, others for couples, then there's whether you're salaried or independent, medical history, etc .... so it's impossible to recommend just one or two companies.  Just cos one person got a good quote from Company A doesn't mean the next person will get the best deal as well.   Do what our CPAM lady said and get quotes from as many as you can (and if the CPAM doesn't offer you a list, ask for one - some fonctionnaires won't give any information unless you ask for it specifically!
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