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Child benefits

Nicky France

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Can anybody tell me whether babies that are born in France are entitled to any child benefits?  Planning on having one soon (hopefully) and just wondered whether we would be entitled to any financial help.  I work during the summer for a uk company but would have to stop if a baby came along and my husband doesn't work at the moment.

Any useful info would be gratefully received.


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I assume as children who were born in the UK and reside here qualify then a child who is born in France is entitled to payment. You need to contact your lcoal Caisse d'allocataire Familiale they will be in your page jaunes. I'm sure they'll have an abundance of paperwork for you to fill out before the happy day!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nicky,

The system here is totally different to the UK and although 'child benefit' is only payable from the 2nd child, there is a means tested payment of about 165 euros a month for the first child for the first three years, as well as a one off payment of up to 750 euros in your 7th month.

Before you get pregnant you should check out what your status is with regards to health and maternity care as if you are paid in the UK and not contributing to the french state then you are limited to what you will get from them. 

All the best


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