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top-up health insurance


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by the autumn I hope to be in my french home (permanently with luck).  Provided I keep "taking the tablets" - prescribed-( lots) I am in pretty good health:   What insurance company in their right minds will provide  ME with "Top up" insurance?  I'm retired on a state pension and have been told that some of my medication will be reimbursed 100 per cent.  If  this is true then how do I find which bits get what percentage back?




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There are only certain illnesses that are reimboursed at 100%, if you manage to get your illness covered for 100% reimbursement then any other illness you get will be reimbursed as per usual for the rest of us. IE you break a leg and you will only be covered at the percentage the rest of us get.

Not all mutualists take on new older clients, so you will have to shop around. AND some do not reimburse immediately, you have to have paid in for about three months before they start reimbursing. AND 100% cover by a mutualist is not very good. There are quite a few things that should have around 300% cover at least.



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TU said  "Not all mutualists take on new older clients, so you will have to shop around. AND some do not reimburse immediately, you have to have paid in for about three months before they start reimbursing"

This is certainly the case with some but we recently signed up with Groupama and got instant cover, but the older you are the dearer the premiums.  On the bright side, there was no medical required before they took us on and they were not interested if you smoked or not.

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