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Sight tests


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Hi, I've searched the forum for info on this and would just like some clarity as it seems some people have had sight checks at the opticians rather then the opthalmologist.

I've been here 2 years and think it's time I had my sight checked. I wear contacts and have no other health probs with my eyes.

I want to 1) check if my vision has changed and 2) have a french prescription so I can be reimbursed.

I rarely wear my glasses, so if I feel I need to change the glasses lenses I'll arrange it cheap on the internet not worried about reimbursing that - it's the constant supply of contact lenses I want covered!

Anyway, those of you who have done it...opticians or opthalmologist? Want to be sure I've the right before phoning!


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Sight tests are done by an opthalmologist (you can find your nearest in yellow pages). You then take the prescription to an optician who will dispense the spectacles or contact lenses.  Take your carte vitale and mutuelle to both. I've just had some new specs, the sight test and lenses were reimbursed and I had to pay part of the cost of the frames. Depends on your level  of mutuelle cover. Be prepared for a long wait for a sight test, up to 6 months in some towns.  The sight test was very thorough and "high tech".


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Bernice, could you just elaborate a little please?

Were the sight test and lenses reimbursed 100% and if so what were the percentages paid and by whom?

What level of Mutuelle do you have  eg 100%, 200% etc?

Finally, how much of the cost of the frames were reimbursed and by whom?


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You dont get anything back from CPAM for contact lenses and you need to have really good cover by your mutelle, who will want to see a prescription from an opthalmogist.   My cover gives me up to 289 euros reimbursement each year for lenses, anf full reimbursement on glasses, but its through my husbands company mutuelle , I think otherwise it would be an expensive one.


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