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Claiming back on EHIC (old E111)


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My mother is currently staying with us here in France for a holiday. She has her new EHIC and has been to the doctor here. I knew the procedure for claiming on the old E111 but can anyone tell me how she should make a claim with her EHIC? Unfortunately, Mum hasn't brought any info re this with her and I wouldn't have thought she would part with her plastic card..
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Thanks for your reply.

Before,  mother sent her E111 form with bills to the relevant office here in France. So do you think it would be ok to photocopy the new EHIC and sent the photocopy with the bills?

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I will go and read the leaflet that came with our cards, back in 5 mins...........2 flights of stairs and rumaging in drawers will take that long!

My info is for French residents, so reading what I should do, I keep the bills and send them to CPAM,  I assume your mum is from England , she would keep her receipts and send them to Newcastle on her return to UK,

I have just looked on the Dept of Health website, you can claim your money back whilst still abroad, go to your locan CPAM or when she returns to uk there is a phone number on the site I mentioned, Look up EHIC all the info is on there.

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