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Well Man examination.


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Another plea for information! When I was domiciled in the UK, one could go to your doctor and ask for the above detailed examination. It might be possible on the NHS or privately it might cost you £200 approx.

Does anyone had experience of having such treatment and is it covered by the French health system plus any top up insurance?

My health is not too bad at the moment other than the usual old age complaints, but forewarned is forearmed!


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Being a woman I cannot answer for certain but....  When I signed up with my doctor he took a full history and did any test that he could, ie blood pressure, weight, the simple things.  I was with him for nearly an hour and was only charged for a normal consultation (was 20 euros now 21 - refunded 13).  He then gave me various prescriptions for tests, similar to a referral letter.  First to the laboratory for a full range of blood tests, absolutely everything (a three page report was produced) - cost 24 euros, refund 19.  Next mammogram as I am a certain age - cost nothing.  Next is a smear test (yet to have) - cost nothing.  Updated any vaccinations - tetanus being the only one I needed - cost 9 euros for prescription.  Discovered I am diabetic (I did'nt know) and sent me for cardiogram and eye test.  These would have cost 40 euros and 26 euros but I get for free.  What I am saying is that I am sure you could ask for a male equivalent and even if  I had paid for everything it would cost me no more than 100 euros plus the mammogram and smear of which I would have got back about 70.  They are very thorough here but I suppose it will depend on other things such as age, previous history, family history etc.  If you are with the french health system then you get 70% back.

Hope that helps as none of the men out there had answered your plea!! 

PS.. I have a husband and I cant get him near a doctor

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I believe you get offered a 4 hour check up ,every 2 years as part of the health service. You go to a clinic in Rennes in our case and get tested for the lot. You also get a little package in the post to test for  bowel cancer etc which is quite amusing. We posted our ."tests" off to Rennes on a Monday and had the results by post on wednesday morning.Not bad service I would say. I believe they think in early detection and immediate treatment.


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A while ago I read in a magazine that you are entitled to a free 5 yearly full health check.  When I next went to CPAM I asked about it and was given a form to fill in and the phone number of the centre medical.

EDIT: I replied at the same time as Will: I have never been offered it BUT it is available - you need to ask at CPAM (or I presume the equivalent).

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Thanks for the link, though I note that it seems to be about general examinations rather than specifically for males, and gives priority to unemployed, RMI, young people etc. It also says that it is undertaken at your caisse's centres, and as the caisse I was registered with in France is on the other side of the country perhaps it's not surprising that it hasn't been suggested. It still seems strange that the doctor in France insisted on J having the mammograms and other female things, but didn't bother about the male equivalent.

Perhaps doctors in France are sexist (ours is female).[:)]

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Thank you eveyone for all the information and I will await my next visit to the CPAM when I will make enquiries regarding having a 100% MOT.

My car gets 'done' every two years, but I have never had such an examination since joining the Royal Navy back in the distant past. I suppose I had better get myself seen to, else the car might outlive me!


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