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Dentist costs for children


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I wonder if anyone might be able to advise me.  My son has a 'baby' tooth which has refused to come out, he is now 11 and the new tooth is pretty well there also.  The baby tooth has gone bad and today part of it fell out.  I took him to the local dentist, whom we have never visited and he has made an appointment for us to go next week and have the tooth removed.  My son also has lots of over crowding in his mouth and I think we may have to have further teeth removed and possibly a brace.

What I would like to know is

a) how much do dentists charge for kids tooth extraction

b) will we get any back on our carte vital

c) what are the costs involved in having a brace fitted and will we have to go else where.

Obviously we will pay whatever it takes to ensure our son has a decent set of gnashers, I'm just trying to get an idea of how much to budget for.

Many thanks


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As far as the braces are concerned, I am in the middle of that with both my sons at the moment. The initial consultation with the Orthodoniste (not the dentiste) was re-imbursed by both Carte Vitale and Mutuelle. I then had to make an X-ray appt for them - that cost me 36€ for the 2 after the CPAM contribution, because I didn't have radiography with my previous Mutuelle. (I do now!). We now go back to the Orthodoniste who has studied the x-rays and photos that I sent her, and she will give me a quote for the work to be done, which I will pass to my Mutuelle for approval, before starting the work. I took out fairly hefty Mutuelle cover this renewal, so am hoping that most of it will be covered, otherwise 2 at the same time might work out fairly pricey!!
BTW, at the initial appt, she whipped out 4 of my sons baby teeth there and then with a crochet hook thing as his second teeth were growing through - he said it didn't hurt much, but I got a fright when he walked back through with a blood-stained, gappy grin!!

For routine dental treatmnet, that has always been fully re-imbursed for eg fillings. As Val2 says, the free visit really covers just a check up, and in number 1 son's case, painting a protective coating on his back teeth.



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I think we paid about 30-40 euro's for our last check up (and détretage) after the CPAM reimbursement, that was myself, husband and 5 yrs old daughter - bargain after our UK private dentist bills! We are going again on Monday so i could confirm the cost if nobody beats me to it.


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